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Hi, I’m Jenny Taylor. I’m 18 and I live in beautiful Los Angeles, California with my best friends Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood.

Ashton, Luke, Calum and I met when we were in kindergarten in Sydney, Australia and we moved to Los Angeles just months after something that happened that made me never want to go back to Sydney.

Michael and I met when we moved to sunny LA. I don’t remember it well because I was really tired and probably crying because we had just left family and memories in Sydney. All I do know is that he, Ashton, Luke and Cal hit it off and we’re now all the best of friends. Long story short we ended up moving into Michael’s house with him… it was huge!

As we grew older, we started to take interest in sports. Luke, Ash and Cal played fastball with the guys; I still played with the girls. Despite their constant nagging for me to play with the guys, I refused. We practically lived on a baseball diamond. Luke, Ash and Cal were at every game of mine when they weren’t playing. They made it to almost every tournament they could, again unless they had their own to play in. I loved these boys to pieces.

I was happy when we had to leave for LA but at the same time, I was really sad because we were leaving behind Luke, Calum and Ashton’s family. Even though Luke rarely got along with Jack and Ben, I loved them! They were so funny and when they were being idiots I would put them in their place and Luke would laugh at them. Luke’s mum, Liz, had cried and cried they day we told her we were leaving for LA soon because I couldn’t stand it there anymore because of what had happened. She understood and told us to be careful. Andrew only nodded when we told him, but I knew him better than that to know he would be sad as hell when we left.

I felt bad Leaving Calum’s sister, Mali Koa behind because she would have to endure Jack and Ben when her other girl friends weren’t around. Joy (Cal’s mum) didn’t cry when we told her we were leaving but the day we were at the airport ready to leave she bawled about how she was going to miss her baby. Cal reassured her that things would be fine and she seemed to accept that as she stood with her husband David and he wished us the best as we started on our journey.

Ashton’s mom hadn’t reacted well to the news about us leaving and he got in a full on fight with her because she refused to let him travel to the other side of the world without a parent and threatened to call Cal and Luke’s parents and tell them of our plans when Ash informed her that we already had. She still tried to put up a fight and he said he was almost an adult and he was going to LA whether she liked it or not because he needed to be there for me. Ash didn’t bother to tell his dad they were leaving, his dad didn’t really care. We didn’t talk about Ashton’s dad much but when we didn’t have good things to say about him. He left when Ash was young and him being the oldest he had to look after his sister Lauren and Harry when he came along.  Ashton felt betrayed and like it was his fault his dad left. His sister Lauren and brother Harry didn’t really say much to him but he knew they were upset as he could hear them crying every night about how they were losing their brother and they didn’t want him to go.

I also had friends in the SRU (Strategic Response Unit) who taught me everything I knew about shooting and negotiating, which explained why I always won arguments with Jc & Connor despite the fact that they had been given the same training. Spike Scarlatti, Sam Braddock, Ed Lane and Jules Callaghan were some of my closest friends in the SRU. Spike specialized in bombs and being the behind the scenes guy when it came to most. Sam Braddock was one of SRU’s long range snipers, having served in the military prior to coming to the SRU he was a total badass as well as a hardass. His mouth got him in trouble more than once. Ed Lane was the team leader and was given the task of being Sierra One 80% of the time when he wasn’t setting up the team or doing something that didn’t require a sniper. Last but not least there was Jules Callaghan, the only girl on the team she was the teams number two negotiator. You never wanted to mess with her; she’d take you down in a second.

One day while we were off exploring LA, I looked at Luke and started to notice the small details about him and it sent butterflies through my stomach. The way he looked at me made me blush; when we touched it was like an electric shock. His scent was heavenly, we fell asleep together a few times but it was the four of us so it wasn’t any different than usual when we hung out and had unexpected sleepovers.  

We had so many memories… but that all changed one frightful night that I will never forget…


A/N: Hi guys! Sorry for the abrupt/cliffhanger ending but I just wanted to let you know what's gonna be happening over the next while, I am going editing/adding/removing parts of the story, but mostly changing names and shit. This is no longer a Jc Caylen ff it is a Luke Hemmings Ff. Sorry for any confusion (and until I get this edited there will be alot because of the transitions)

Poor Ashton :( his parents actually are divorced, I don't kow if he still talks to his dad but in this story he doesn't and yeah... okay. okay.

Again I'm sorry and please be patient!

Love you all!


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