Chapter 6 - The Hospital

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*Jenny's POV*

I was trying to stay awake in the truck but the loss of blood was making it hard for me to even think straight, let alone stay awake. I at least knew we were moving, so to occupy myself I watched the boy who had my leg in his lap. He looked absolutely shattered, like he had lost his mom or something. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but I 1: Couldn't talk because of all the crying, 2: it would have felt weird as fuck and I would have felt like I was intruding on his life and 3: we were being stopped by the cops.

I laid my head back on the sandy blonde haired boys shoulder and looked at the ceiling trying to stay awake while the driver talked to the officer.

The whole process took about 10 minutes or so and before I knew it we were following the cop who had his lights on and sirens blaring. I thought about what happened and what could happen and I started to cry again. I HATED needles with a passion, they scared the absolute shit out of me; I wasn't too fond of hospitals as they had needles.

I just sat back and fought to keep my eyes open, failing miserably.

I was being gently shaken awake by the blonde boy with the quiff, the one who now had a lot of blood on his jeans because of my bleeding leg.

"Wake up, we're at the hospital." He whispered. "Ash, get out and help me."

The one named "Ash" got out and the blonde quiff boy held me up as they worked together to get me out of the truck and into the ER.

*Luke's POV*

I carried Jenny bridal style into the ER with fresh tears staining my face. The nurses and doctors were busy and I was about to look for one when Ashton and Calum came in right behind me yelling.

"HELP! OUR FRIEND NEEDS HELP!" They did a pretty good job of getting the nurses attention and they came running over.

"SOMEONE GET A GURNEY!" She yelled, trying to take her from me.

"I can't lay her down! She has a shard of glass in her leg!" I cried.

"Okay, then. Follow me back to a room where we can get a better look at her." She instructed, leading us back to a room.

"Hey, man, she'll be okay. She's tough as nails." Calum said, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder as I laid her down so the nurse could get at her clothes.

"We're gonna have to get her new pants... and sliding shorts." I mumbled under my breath before acknowledging what the nurse was asking of me.

"Can you take her shoes and socks off?" She asked and I nodded and went to work, quickly but with care so as not to cause her any more pain than she was already in. Once I got that done, I went and sat back in the chair trying to stop the tears that were flowing one by one down my face.

A different nurse came over to me with a clipboard and sat down in the chair across from me. "Alright kiddo, I need you to tell me what happened."

I sighed and wiped the tears from my eyes in an attempt to get them to stop flowing but it was no use. "Well... we, Calum, Ashton and I were at her ball game, supporting her like the best friends we are... and we were just sitting there watching her warm up the pitchers, she got up and sort of limped off the field because her knee was giving her trouble... Ashton had gone down to give her a bottle of water and I think to tell her to breathe and not kill her coach because he called her to go catch for her..." I paused, trying to steady my breathing before continuing; Ashton had just walked in now and sat down with me, Calum still in the other room with her. I looked at him and he nodded as if to tell me to continue. I sighed and continued. "She had been doing alright until there was a call from the other team's catcher to let her know about the ball right behind her feet so she wouldn't get hurt. She turned around and tossed it back to the catcher and then briefly focused her attention on the holes in the batters boxes... filling them in so no one would get hurt... Her third baseman wasn't paying attention... and she... she..." I stopped, sobs escaping my lips, making it unable to finish.

"She looked up as her third baseman was throwing the ball and she got it in the face... When she went down she landed on a shard of glass, we think she twisted her knee/ankle although we're not sure. She also hit her head pretty hard, it was bleeding a little bit when we got her up. She was out for about a minute." Ashton finished looking at me and then the nurse, who was focused on her clipboard.

"Thank you boys, you can head back in if you want." She nodded and left to go find the doctor I'm assuming.

"Ash, I'm scared." I sobbed as he pulled me into a hug.

"Don't worry bro, she'll be okay." He rubbed my back. People walked past us and gave us dirty looks, probably thinking we were together.

"Is Mikey meeting us here?" I asked.

"He should be here soon..."

I nodded and got up, shooting glares at the people who were looking at us funny. "He's my best friend." I snapped at the one girl who looked as fake as a $30 bill because she was literally just standing there staring at us while Ashton and I sat there and cried for our best friend. She looked almost scared and just scurried away.

"We should get back in and check up her and Calum." Ash said and I nodded and we headed back into where our best friend lay injured. 



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