Author's Note/I'm Sorry!

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Hi guys, so I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in literally forever... But I have been so busy with school, ball, work and being at the trailer I haven't had time. School and ball are now over I am still working and I am frequently at the trailer now because ball is over but I won't be able to update for quite a while I'm not sure how long and I am also off work because I have a concussion and my doctor says I can't work I can't play ball I can't do any heavy lifting I can't be around screens for too long so it kind of sucks but I promise I've been working on stuff for you guys... I just don't think that I've been you know neglecting you guys cause I haven't I've just been really really busy and I'm really sorry. I have been working on some parts though and I do have a bunch more in the works so when I can update again and be on screens for longer than like an hour at a time I will try and update as soon as I can.

Love you guys,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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