Chapter 1 - Asshole

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*Jenny’s POV*

“I got that real good feel good stuff, Up under the seat of my big black jacked up truck. Rollin' on 35s. Pretty girl by my side…” I sang out the words to “That's My Kinda Night” by Luke Bryan on the way to my ball game. We were playing our rivals. When I got there I saw Luke, Calum and Ashton sitting in the stands, they waved. I smiled at them as I went to get ready. I greeted my team as I put my cleats on and tied them up I waited for the rest of the team to get there then we went for a run.

“Come on guys! Hustle it up!” I yelled to the three girls who were always last. Our coach hadn’t chosen a captain so I had appointed myself one as I gave the most effort on the team, not trying to brag or be cocky but that’s how this season was going so far. “Let’s go ladies! Hustle!”

After we stretched, I went and got my catchers equipment on as almost anytime I asked to catch I usually got granted to. Warming up the pitcher(s) was a good 20-30 minutes of our warm up so I did that after we were done in the cages. “We might actually have a chance tonight.” I thought because I thought we were missing one of our “call-ups.”

*Ashton’s POV*

Holy shit was she good. I can see why she’s always so passionate about it. She’s been playing for 12 years. She’s a phenomenal catcher, I’ve seen the other girl catch and she’s nothing compared to Jenny. I was so glad when I saw her and knew she was catching.

“ASHTON!” I heard a voice shout at me.

“Sorry… What?” I turned to see who had been calling me. It was Luke.

“Did you hear a word I said, dude?” He asked.

“Not one… Sorry,” I said as I looked down, “I was lost in thought.”

“It’s all good; I just wanted to know if we actually had a chance of winning tonight.” He said looking at me.

“I so doubt it since Shianne’s here.” I looked at him with an eye roll. I looked back at the field where I saw Jenny warming up the pitcher and their coach hitting fly balls to the other girls on the outfield.

“Alright, I think we’re good.” I heard Jenny tell her pitcher, rather angrily and I knew she had seen Shianne. After all this was pretty much HER team. She was the catcher and the most devoted to the team. Although I had a feeling that would change by the end of the year with the way her coach runs the team. I just wish she would come play with Cal, Luke and I.

*Luke’s POV*

I loved watching the passion and effort Jenny put into the game. She was crazy fast, really strong, she could almost throw to second from her knees and this is her first year actually being made a catcher. She had always been working on her catching skills and had always wanted catching to be her main but her other coaches weren’t having it and wouldn’t put her behind the plate. I could tell she would be catching next year and for years to come, she was fast behind the plate and was a bullet running, and she was scary behind the plate. I’ve never seen someone come up so fast and fire to a base quicker than she can. It’s insane and so impressive. I wish she would just give playing with the guys a shot. She was better than most of them.

As I sat there watching her I started to notice more about her than I normally do, the way her hair always seemed to stay perfect despite being stuck inside a helmet for most of the game, the little bounces she did to steady herself before setting up for the catcher, the way her dimples showed when she smiled at us before the game. The way her voice rang out with authority whenever she was behind the plate. It was weird because I had never noticed these things about her before. But it was a good weird. I started to question my feelings for her.

I turned back just in time to see her team come off the field after having a talk in the outfield for a water break.

*Jenny’s POV*

I really hope he knows I never listen to him when we have these talks because I know everything he’s going to say already. He says it EVERY SINGLE GAME! It’s so annoying. None of us listen to him actually… He’s just becoming a broken record now.

“Alright got time for a quick drink.” I heard him say AGAIN for the 3 millionth time. Ugh why did I have to deal with him this year?!  So much for a promising year, God he’s TERRIBLE! I walked off the field and grabbed my water and my neck towel and sat down. Shit it was hot out. I chugged back the water and just sat there with the towel around my neck while I rested for a bit, catching was tiring.

“Jenny come catch for me.” I heard my coach say. I groaned internally, rolled my eyes and got my glove and my helmet and walked out and put my helmet by the fence, I’d need it in about 10 minutes.

*Ashton’s POV*

She has to catch because her coach is to fucking lazy to catch on his own while she rests for a bit before the game… wow. He really is an ass. I know she wouldn’t mind doing it for the assistant coach because he’s nice and actually has an idea of what needs to be done and he has a bad back and he still catches, not to mention she actually LIKES the assistant coach because he’s good and she asks him if he wants her to catch for him. I watched her catch the ball fairly lazily, trying not to use up any more energy than she had to. I laughed at her coach as he tried to talk to her and she just shook him off. He should know so much better than to try and talk to her right before a game. She needed to focus. I grabbed one of my water bottles and went down to put it in her bag.  I heard her coach bitching at her about how she had to look over at him every single time for the signals and she just kept saying “no” when he said something. I walked back up to the bleachers laughing.

As I sat down again I heard a girl from the other team call out Jenny’s name and told her to watch out for the ball coming in behind her, she turned around and got the ball and tossed it back to the girl. I watched her kick dirt into the batters boxes because there was a game just before hers and the batters boxes were full of holes from the girls before.

I didn't even have time to warn her......


A/N: AHAHAHA Cliffhanger! Sorry Not Sorry! Let me know what you think in the comments below or hit that like button! 


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