Chapter 9 - Stitches

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A/N: Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't updated in 2 weeks, I've just been kinda swamped with school, ball, and just life in general. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that reads my story and I have been trying to update as much as I can but I've been having really huge writers block so I've been kinda stuck... I've also been dealing with a lot mentally, i.e. waiting for blood work to come back so I can find out what's wrong with me.... but I'm 99.9% sure it's psychological and that my doctor is a bit of a quack.... ANYWAY, I won't be updating for a while for a few reasons... 1) I have to focus on school 2) I'm going on vacation from March 11th-22nd so I won't have internet access then. 3) I have to devote most of my time until the end of May to memorizing lines and such for a school play that I am in, and when that's over I launch into ball season. I will try my best to update as much as I can and I will work on chapters whenever I have free time, I promise<3

Another note: I started updating this and my mom asked me what I was doing and I told her writing stories she said it looks like a website and I had to explain it was a place where you could share your stories and she looked at me really weird.....

Here's the chapter! ENJOY!

*Jenny’s POV*

I felt myself being wheeled back to where they do the x-rays/CAT-scans etc.

“Okay, now this won’t hurt a bit.” The doctor said as they lifted me onto the CAT scan table.

“Why haven’t you taken the glass out of my leg yet?” I asked.

“Because we still don’t know to what extent the damage is and taking out the glass right now could cause further damage to your leg.” He explained. Well that made sense… I thought about the possibilities of what could happen as they started the scan.  By the time the scan was over I really had to pee, I swear the scan took like an hour. The doctors walked back over to where I was and got ready to take me over for x-rays but I interrupted them.

“Is there any way we could stop at a bathroom? I really have to pee.” I stated, I felt like I was always the very blunt, “tell it like it is” type of person.

“Uh, yeah, sure,” the doctor stuttered. “I’ll send one of the female nurses in with you to help, is that okay?”

“Eh, yeah, sure whatever,” It’s not like they haven’t seen what I’ve got before. The nurse helped me to the bathroom and situate myself.

“I’ll turn around.” She muttered. I finished and she helped me stand as I washed my hands and then helped me back to the gurney.

“Alright, shall we go get those x-rays done?” Doctor Stanton said cheerfully.

“Dude, why are you so freaking happy?” I questioned him like HE was the one on happy pills.

“Just trying to lighten the mood.” He explained.

“Well no offense but there really isn’t much you can do to lighten the mood unless you can tell me why I can’t remember fuck all about the three boys that were in my room and if I will ever be able to remember, oh and if you get this fucking glass out of my leg asafp!” I snapped, starting to get frustrated with the fact that they still haven’t taken the damn glass out of my leg.

“Okay, we need you to calm down while we take the x-rays, and wait for the results of the scan.” He tried to calm me down as I guess I looked about ready to strangle someone.

“Fine,” I snarled and stopped moving so that they could take the x-rays and get everything done and over with and get the fucking glass out of my leg cause it was really starting to hurt. The x-rays took about 10 minutes or so because they wanted to x-ray just about every part of my body, which in turn pissed me off even more. God these doctors have no idea what they’re doing, or so it seems that way because if they did then I would have the fucking glass out of my leg, stitches in my lip and head and crutches for my knee.

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