Chapter 8 - The Diagnosis/Wait

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*Jenny’s POV*

I looked at Luke and he had his head hung in his hands, I could see the tears falling off his face as we waited for the doctor to come in. I felt sort of bad for not remembering Calum, Ashton, Luke or Michael because they clearly all knew me.

I tried to reach out and grab Luke’s hand but he pulled back. I frowned, was I that bad?

“Luke…” I started but he just got up and ran out of the room.

I turned my head to see Calum and Ashton coming back in without Michael. The looked at me with sadness written all over their faces, it was clear they were hurting too.

“What happened?” Calum questioned as he sat down.

“I don’t know. I tried to take Luke’s hand and he flinched away so I tried to talk to him but he just got up and bolted out of the room.” I explained, looking at my hands, noticing my wrist being a little sore.

“He probably just needed some time to grasp what was going on or some air.” Ashton reasoned, I nodded, it seemed logical enough.

*Luke’s POV*

 I almost felt bad for pulling back when Jenny tried to grab my hand, but I had a good reason. I felt my stomach start churning and I had a bad feeling I was going to be sick.

“Luke…” I heard but before I could even look up I bolted out of the room, the nausea becoming to strong and I knew I was going to be sick and minute. I bolted down the hall to the bathroom and just barely had time to lock the door before I was hunched over the toilet, expelling any food I had eaten that day. This always happens when I cry a lot. I end up sick. I flushed the toilet and leaned back against the wall breathing heavily, the disgusting taste lingering in my mouth.

I tried to get up and wash my mouth out but ended up hunched over again, the sounds of me throwing up resonating throughout the tiny room yet again. For another 10 minutes it was like that, me trying to get up, the nausea taking over again and me ending up hunched over.

When I was sure the contents of my stomach were completely gone I stood up slowly before making my way over to the sink to rinse my mouth out. I got most of the taste out of my mouth before looking in the mirror. I was a mess. My hair was all over the place from the sweat and running my hands through it all night long. I had tear stains down my cheeks; my face flushed from throwing up. I looked at my eyes; they were bloodshot and puffy from the excessive amount of crying I had done that night. I’m not normally one to cry or show my feelings but with Jenny she was everything to me. Her smile made me smile, yeah she was my best friend and she may not have remembered any of us but I still loved her to pieces. We knew each other since kindergarten; we went through literally everything together, from everything that happened in Sydney to everything that happened in LA, like getting the house, finding ball teams to play for, meeting Michael etc.

I exited the bathroom and walked back in the direction of Jenny’s room.

*Michael’s POV*

As soon as I got home I shut the door and broke. I started sobbing as I slammed my back against the door, sliding down. I didn’t know what to feel at this point. I was broken, I had no blood family left and the thought of Jenny being in the hospital broke me. Her, Calum, Ashton and Luke were the only family I had left. I just wanted to break something I was so mad, upset, heartbroken, frustrated, and every other negative emotion there was. Instead of breaking everything in the house I grabbed all the pillows from the couch and threw them against the wall screams of agony escaping my lips.

Something inside me snapped. I had a funny feeling about Jenny but I couldn’t quite place my finger on it. It wasn’t a bad feeling but rather a feeling of curiosity. She looked a little bit like me in the way her face was structured. Her eyes were almost the same color green as mine, even though they changed color like every day. She did a lot of the same actions I did, it was just weird.

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