3. New beginnings

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Tree after tree my eyes darted out the window.
"Are we even close yet? Its been hourrrsss," I couldn't help but persist.
"Its been 15 minutes and we have another 2 hours to go," Tina had clearly grown tired of me asking every minute.
I grew bored of the bland green trees and searched desperately for something else. Anything. Cloud watching! What pictures can i find? A duck. A crocodile. A flower. Even a cloud shaped like a lollipop wasnt intruiging. Another 5 minutes and you might aswell count me brain dead.
"How about you take a nap? Pass the time?" Tina suggested. Honestly i was willing to do anything that kept me occupied for long enough.
Within 10 minutes i fell into a deep sleep. It had surely been atleast an hour before i woke up to the sound of soft rain on the window. My eyes fluttered open to the sight of a small town, not busy at all. The clouds were thick and dark, though it wasnt gloomy, it was kind of beautiful in its own way.
"How mu-" She predicted my next words.
"Half an hour."
Huh? So it was a little more than an hour ago when i could see the sky, clear and blue, the sun beaming on my face and trees looked young. Now the sky was painted with density, the sun disguised itself, hidden behind the clouds, trees were a fierce orange. Quite a change. I thought it was a nice change.
"I know its not the most pleasing of places," She looked back for a second, a look of sorrow slashed across her face.
"No I love it! The ugly weather isnt even ugly, it's amazing and much more interesting!"
It was true. The way raindrops fell down the window making tiny streams, racing to the bottom, was much more intruiging. The cold didnt even bother me.

When we eventually arrived i stood marvelling up at the house that towered over me. A tall slim wooden house, every plank a perfect shade of a brown that matched chocolate milkshake. Her garden was inhabited by 2 very large dogs, they reminded me of the grey clouds in the sky. Big balls of fluff, a dark shade of elephant grey. I fell in love immediately.

Tina could see my admiration as she opened the door and stood out the way, leaving the entrance open for me. I ran inside, kicked my shoes to the side, quickly neatening them up next to hers.
As she nodded her head she said, "Go ahead kiddo, go explore."
And I did. I ran round each room inspecting every millimetre. It was a word that doesnt even exist! I cant even tell you how amazing it was! 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 VERYY big living room, an equally as big kitchen, EVEN A DOG PLAY ROOM! There's so much i can't even list!
"I'm gonna love it here! I already do!" I ran to Tina hugging her tight, "Its perfect, the best!" Tina just looked down, flashing her soft smile before ruffling my hair.

I managed to unpack and get, settled by dinner time. We made a mac and cheese, though when it came to eating all i could do was push the pasta along my plate.
"What's on your mind kiddo?" Tina nudged. When i only gave her a small mumble in reply, she moved her chair close enough to wrap me in her arms, where i crumbled into a sob.
"What about father.." I shook at the thought of him.
"The police say if he gets close, call them straight away, he has no right over you anymore, you're safe now." She whispered down into my ear.

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