5. I see it all.

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I gasped for my breath as i sat up in shock. Quickly feeling around in the darkness i could feel the soft feathery fabric of my bed. My silent sobs soon came pouring out into screams. That's when she rushed in. The light flooded my room and it made me wince.
"oh honey whats wrong? bad dream? Its ok shhh." Tina held me firmly in her arms. I felt so safe.. Just a dream, yeah. Soon enough i was back to sleep. Instead of nightmares my dreams were intruded by the thoughts of Tina's warm arms. She must've fallen asleep with me in her arms.

The sunlight hit my face as it rose above my windowsill, tge plant pots casting shadows like lurking monsters. Tina was still here. Fending off the shadow monsters. No matter how careful i was Tina woke within seconds.
"Oh good morning!" She propped herself up on her right elbow.


Up her arm were faint stripes,skin marks? Birth marks perhaps. No this was different. Scratches... Thats when it hit me. Scars. I pointed with a shaky finger to her arm and she gave me a soft nod. My flesh gently traced over the marks. It was rough over the scars but her healthy flesh was soft and smooth. As i felt up her bicep it was strong. Manlike.
"Strong," i whispered to myself. A very bad attempt atleast. I could tell she heard me from the way she flexed her bicep further and laughed at my amazement.
"I was a caddette at a very young age, so i needed to be nice and strong!" Tina had told me some amazing stories. SHE SLAYED DRAGONS! Well i wanted to believe it was real so i did, i believed it was real. I was living with Tina the Dragon Slayer.

Suddenly Tina pulled her arm back as my fingers reached for her other arm and thay was the end of the conversation as she left to prepare.... syrup on toast.

"Toast is ready hun," the same line from the dream.. I went downstairs as she was pouring on the syrup. The taste. The look. The same.. It couldn't be real. Had i seen a vision? But how?
"Hungry are ya?," Tina chuckled in that southern accent of hers. I looked down to see no crumbs but 2 dots of syrup on the plate. The same..

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