4. Suspicions

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I fell asleep in Tina's comforting hold. She radiates warmth! My own teddy bear radiator.

"Toast is ready hun," Tina's voice drifted through the air like fairy dust. I grunted in response as i stretched and pulled myself up from the bed. It was by far the best sleep ive ever experienced.
The pillows were like cotton, the cover was like a hug. Was it even real?

As i watched a stream of syrup cover my toast i marvelled, a drop of drool sliding between lips. As it hit my tongue the sweet sugary paste brainwashed my thoughts. I finished it in seconds.
"Hungry are ya?" Tina giggled in her southern accent. I never really payed attention to her voice apart from the fact it was beautiful.

While Tina packed away breakfast I entered my room. What to wear? There was so much! T-shirts, Hoodies, Sweaters, Shorts, Skirts, Jeans, Dungarees, wait.... what-

It went blurry. Spinning. Colours moving in weird ways. The world was drifting away until.. nothing.

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