Chapter 26

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'mental link'
*Other magical being's language*

Lilian's POV

"thank you, everyone." i addressed to the crowd. "i understand that some of you might be wary of my age and ability to rule but i assure you that I will do the best i can to help my people. I will make mistakes here and there, not going to lie but i will try to learn from it and i hope we can help each other out, for a new era! " the crowd went out into applause.

I look back at Sanguini, confused. 'i thought Dracula is the king of vampires,' i thought to myself. "Lord Dracula is unable to come as his wife has just went into labour 2 hours ago. He sent you his greetings and apologies for not coming," Sanguini answered. "His wife also wish to invite you for tea if you have time, at their castle."

"i understand. I'll sent my reply as soon as i can." i whispered to him. The ball went on as usual. As i was looking around the room, i noticed a man who was staring at me with unblinking gaze. It was a bit unnerving but not unusual. I ignored it as i could.

"your majesty, are you alright?" i completely forgot about the werewolves ability of smell. "it's fine, Fenrir. I'm just going to roam around a bit." i got up and roam around, 2 guards flanking behind me. I noticed Harry talking to a group of werewolves. They were congratulating and thanking him for his potion.

Lunaris Imperium became national, transported all around the globe for werewolves in need. It was a good contribution for them and helped spread the name 'nightingale' worldwide. As of now, skeeter is trying to hunt for Nox and his profile, but of course, nothing came out.

"your majesty." Queen Ramona bows down in respect. "ah, Queen Ramona. It's nice to meet you. I must say, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight." i compliment her. "Also call me Lilian." she looked very beautiful after all. Simple but elegant.

"then you must call me Ramona in return

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"then you must call me Ramona in return. I heard about your birthday and was quite upset of being unable to gift you anything. You've done so much for my niece after all,"

"hold on, niece?" she points to the delacour family. "oh, your niece.... It was no trouble at all."


I was shopping for a few things when i heard a cry of help coming from an alleyway. Quietly sneaking in, i saw a little girl, about to be assaulted by someone. I pull her away and curse the man, borderline dark curses. The girl clings onto me as the man screams in pain

"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT, YOU FILTH OF WASTE GARBAGE!" i yelled to him. He quickly ran away like a coward he is. "are you OK?" i asked the girl. "i was waiting for my sister but that man pulled me here. THANK YOU SO MUCH!" she cried out.

I asked her who her sister is and before she could answered, a woman was calling out for their daughter. "that's my mother." i called out for the woman and when she saw the girl, she cried out in joy. "don't ever do that again!" the woman scolded lightly. The girl nods and told her about me saving her.

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