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Even though I'm late, I just want to say this

Technoblade never die

He's one of the few YouTubers that I watch.

A really funny and charismatic person

Cancer suck, I luckily didn't fall victim to it, but that doesn't mean I won't be one in the future

I wish I won't

I'll miss his content. He's someone who make my day

And now, this is just me trying to make you guys suffer from confusion and trying to lighten up the mood

We always say son of bitch. And that's always to boy/man.

Now I'm wondering, how about girl/woman?

Is it the same?

Or is it girl of bitch?

Or daughter of bitch?

Or bitch of bitch?

And how do you pronounce Worcestershire sauce?


Raion Ryuvolt POV

I walk along the hallway, hands in pocket, completely clueless on why is this person name Sakayanagi Arisu want to meet me.

Is it because of how I sold her the test paper?

Or is she like Ryuuen?

Wanting to manipulate me

If so, that's impossible.

I mean, she might be the one that'll be manipulate by me later on if she try manipulate me.

That's how it always work. Some people have tried to manipulated me into obedience.

And me being so bored, I just play along with their game.

It's not my fault my life is boring as heck.

I just need an entertainment. And what's better entertainment other than playing a game that was created by somebody.

And soon enough, if I grew bored if the game. I'll stop playing it.

Same with video game.

Except, I'm loyal to them

"We're here." I stop walking when I heard the girl name Kamuro Masumi said. We're at a door that'll lead us to the deck. But most importantly.... She sounds a little irritated.

Should I be worried?

I mean, she's not that bad to the point that she can be annoying. Right?

I gulp

Because deep down, I already knew the answer

Meeting with a person once is enough for me to understand them. That's the blessings and the curse of my ability

The ability to understand someone's nature. Their past. And most importantly, what they thought.

It's something I've train for a long time in my line of work

Eyes that can determine everything.

And it's bad enough when I can know how long someone did a sex with each other and who did with whom


Damn it...

I just remembered the thing that I wish to lock away

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