Chapter 6

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I lay down, my head in Newt's lap as I look up at the stars. Aris adds more wood to the fire in the middle of our little circle, as we all sit in silence. We had set up in a tilted ship and searched it to find more materials before we all settled down.

Newt plays with my hair as the fire cackles in front of us. I wrap myself up better in the blanket as my eyes scour the sky, watching as all the tiny white dots sparkle and the moon forms as a crescent above. My mind hasn't stopped thinking about Winston and the whole situation with W.C.K.D. and I keep trying to put together the pieces.

"What do you guys think it meant when they called me 'The Sample' and 'The Support,'" I ask the group, breaking the silence.

"They probably called you a sample because you were the first girl, Clem," Minho answers, the boy sitting across from me on the other side of the fire.

"Well why would they change it? It said that's what I was called before but now they call me 'The Support.' What does that even mean?"

"Maybe it's because you helped out a lot," Fry mentions. "I don't know."

Silence fills the air between everyone for a few minutes. But Minho speaks up again, "I thought we were supposed to be immune."

"Well, not all of us," Teresa responds from beside the boy. She hesitates before she adds the last bit, "I guess."

I eye the girl, "You guess? Why would they have even added kids who weren't immune to the trials if the whole point was to study the immune?"

"I don't know, Clementine," she tells me, her tone sounding a bit harsh. When we were in the Glade and she first arrived she gave me a weird feeling, but after what happened back at that W.C.K.D. facility, it just raised my suspicions of her even more.

"What did they do to you, Teresa? Back at that place," I question the girl.

She looks at me before sighing, "What does it matter to you?"

"I don't know," I roll my eyes, "just find it a bit strange how you were the only one they took to a separate room to run more 'tests' on."

"Yeah well it doesn't matter," she huffs.

I glare at her, "Maybe it does matter. I'm just trying to gather as much information as I can to figure out why we're going through all this crap in the first place and if we can actually stop W.C.K.D."

She looks at me with a harsh gaze, "It doesn't matter."

I open my mouth to say something back, but then notice all the boys' expressions looking uncomfortable and shocked--as if they were unsure what to do. I sigh and turn my head, looking back up at the stars. "Whatever."

She's really getting on my nerves right now. I'm just sick of all this pessimism and I want to know what's going on. Why was Winston in the Maze with us if he wasn't immune? Why does this world seem to be so against us? Why can't we just be kids? It's so frustrating. I just want to live a carefree life without worrying about getting chased by W.C.K.D. or Cranks.

We weren't even away from the Maze for two full days before we had to run for our lives again. When will we catch a break?

"If Winston can get infected, we should assume the rest of us can too. Just in case," Newt notes.

I groan and get up, tossing the blanket to the side as I walk away towards the end of the ship, climbing to the roof of a little room and sitting down. It's quieter here.

I bring my knees up to my chest as I return my gaze to the stars, noticing all the big ones and small ones. Everything from the past week catches up to me again and roll down my cheeks in the form of tears. I sit there, silently crying as I watch the speckles glisten above. My jacket is zipped up, but I still feel the breeze flow through and graze my skin.

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