Chapter 15

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I let out a loud groan in frustration. "How the shuck did W.C.K.D. find us?" My hands fly up to my face as I rub my temples, trying to figure out the answer to my question.

"What are we gonna do," Fry asks, fear clear in his voice.

"Well, we've got to help everyone," Newt answers.

Everything clicks in my mind just then, and I just feel anger build up inside me about to erupt like a volcano. "Teresa," I mutter.

"What," Minho blurts out.

"It was freaking Teresa," I exclaim. "I was about to forgive her too! She used the walkie-talkie that guy had back at Jorge's place. She contacted Janson or whoever through it and told them where we are!"

"Why would she do that," Fry questions.

I throw my hands up in there. "She said W.C.K.D. gave her all her memories back and she knew why she was helping them, so that's definitely something to do with it. But whatever it is, I don't know and I don't care! We have to go help everyone before more people from W.C.K.D. show up."

"Alright," Newt says. "Let's go."

The four of us run down the rocky hill as the night sky falls upon us. Fire spreads everywhere while W.C.K.D. men descend from the helicopters and start rounding people up. We run behind some cover and peak over, watching the chaos unfold.

My eyes land on a specific fiery tent and I feel my heart sink. "Milo," I mumble. "I have to go find Milo."

The three boys look over at me warily. "I'll come with you," Newt offers, looking at me with insisting eyes.

"No... no, you have to go help everyone else. We have to save as many people as we can," I protest. The boy opens his mouth but I stop him. "Newt. I'm going to be okay. I'll be back with you guys before you know it."

"She's right, man," Minho tells the blonde. "Besides, you know Clem can take care of herself."

"Okay," Newt gives in. "Just please be careful."

"I'll be quick. Just like the ninja I am," I tell the boy with a childish smirk. I peak around the corner and get ready to leave, but I feel a hand pull my arm back. Newt looks at me as I turn around and places a short kiss on my lips.

"You guys will be fine," Minho whisper shouts. "Now hurry up and get out of here before we get spotted, Clem."

I roll my eyes, "I'll see you guys soon." I take one last look into Newt's chocolate orbs and smile, before taking off.

Maneuvering my way around, I sneak through the camp and make it to the tent. It's up in flames and collapsing in on itself. I notice a familiar brunette looking around frantically as he calls out for Brenda.

"Thomas," I shout to the boy, catching his attention. "Where are they?"

"'They' ?" He looks at me, his face even more worried and frightened.

"Milo said he was going to check on Brenda," I explain.

Our gazes turn back to the tent as I feel my blood begin to boil. We were so close to freedom and Teresa had to go and mess that all up. If I lost Milo and everything I've fought so hard for because of her, I swear she's going to get more than just a piece of my mind.

"Brenda," Thomas calls out.

Suddenly, I feel a hand land on my shoulder and I turn around. "Are you two trying to get yourselves killed," Brenda scolds us as she pulls us behind some cover with Jorge and Milo.

My hands fly up to the boy's face as I check him for injuries. There's some soot on his face from the fire but other than that, he's okay. "Do not leave my side ever again! Once we make it to the safe haven then you can wander about, okay?"

"I'm okay, Clem," the boy assures me as we turn our gaze to the sight in front of us. People are screaming and running around, trying to escape. W.C.K.D. soldiers are shooting people with shock guns while Right Arm men fight back with actual guns.

"We have to get out of here, now," Jorge urges us.

"What? No," I tell him. "We have to find the others!"

Thomas and I get up, about to make a run for it but Jorge pulls us down and shouts at us. "No! Look," he points at a truck where Minho, Newt, and Fry stand with Vince and Harriet as they shoot at W.C.K.D. soldiers. "You can't help them!"

"You bet your butt I can," I send him a glare as I stand up. But as I do, a W.C.K.D. soldier throws a grenade at them, electrocuting all of them as they fall to the ground--all of their bodies convulsing before they lay still. "No, no, no," I mumble as my legs start moving on their own.

A hand pulls me back and I look to see who it was. It was Milo. I look between him and my group of friends before reluctantly returning to my spot behind cover. Thomas follows suit as I lean my back against the container we hide behind and throw my hands up to my head.

"I'm sorry..," Jorge mutters. "There's nothing you could have done for them. But if we move now, we will be much better off."

"No," I tell him. The man looks at me shocked.

"You're still planning on going out there? Clementine, you can't do anything."

"Yes we can. But you guys gotta go right now," Thomas tells him with an urgent tone. "They don't want you guys, you'll be safe but you have to go now."

Brenda looks at us insistently. "Thomas... Clementine... you can't."

I look at her and Jorge with pleading eyes as tears begin to well up in them. "I can't leave without them, I can't. We can't."

"Okay," Milo blurts out. "But I'm staying with you."

"No," I shut down the boy immediately.

"But-" I cut him off before he can continue.

"Milo, listen to me. W.C.K.D. is after me, not you. You'll be safer if you stick with Brenda and Jorge."

Tears begin to form in his eyes as he looks at me, "I can't lose you again, Clem." His voice cracks as he says it.

My tears slip out of my eyes at this, my heart breaking at the words. I place my hand on his cheek, "Milo. I will come find you again, okay? I promise. I will find you. You won't lose me again."

He hesitantly nods his head. "Okay."

I sniffle as I bring him into a hug and kiss the top of his head, "Alright. I love you. Now, go."

"I love you too, Clem," he mutters between breaths as he pulls away.

I nudge him towards Brenda as Jorge gives Thomas and I a look full of sincerity. "Good luck."

"Thank you," I tell the man as the three of them walk off. "Brenda," I call out to the girl. She stops and turns to me. "Take care of him, please." She nods with a smile before turning back and catching up with the two boys.

And with that, the little brother I remembered and got to be with for just a few days... left my grasp, once again.

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