Chapter 12

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We drive through long roads, our group separated into two cars. Newt, Milo, Minho, and I share a row in one of the cars. Eventually, we arrive to their base and exit the car. The view was a sight to see.

A whole community was set up with makeshift tents, vehicles, and so much more. I feel hope begin to arise in me again as I realize that we made it. We're here.

I look at Newt with a big smile on my face and see that the boy shares my excitement. Harriet and Sonya lead us into the camp as they explain everything.

"They've been planning this for over a year now," Sonya states.

"All of this is for us," Harriet adds.

"You're lucky you found us when you did," Sonya tells us all. "We're moving out first thing tomorrow, the minute the sun hits the sky." The girl calls out to a man passing by, "Where's Vince?"

The man gives her an answer as we keep walking. Thomas brings up another question, his curiosity taking the better of him as per usual. "Who's Vince?"

"He's the one who decides if you get to stay," Harriet explains.

"I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army," Minho tells the two girls.

Instead of one of the girls answering, a man answers as we pass by. "Yeah, we were." We stop as he walks up to us. "This is all that's left of us. A lot of good people died to get us this far." He looks over at Harriet, "Who are they?"

"Immunes," Harriet explains. "We caught them going up the mountain."

"Did you check them," he asks.

Harriet points over to Aris, "I know this guy--I trust him."

"Yeah, well I don't... check them," Vince tells a group of men beside us.

Suddenly, Brenda passes out with a gasp as she lands on the ground. Jorge jumps to her side, checking her and making sure she's okay.

"What's going on with her," Vince asks Jorge as we all gather around the girl.

"I don't know," Jorge responds with a frantic look on his face. He looks at the girl like he's losing a daughter.

Vince lifts up Brenda's pant leg and pulls down a bandage there, revealing a bite. He backs away immediately and pulls his gun out, pointing it at the girl, "Crank! We got a Crank!"

Thomas jumps out in front of her immediately, screaming, "No! Wait- wait! Stop! No! Listen, this just happened okay? She's not dangerous yet." He knew?

"Well you shouldn't have brought her here," Vince scolds the boy. I look around and notice all the attention on our little group now, and I can't help but feel small. We were just about to get our freedom, what is even happening? I feel Newt's hand reach over to mine and interlock our fingers. I give his hand a light squeeze as we watch the situation in front of us unfold.

"I know, I'm sorry," Thomas stutters. "I understand, alright? Just listen, please. I told her you can help. There's gotta be something you can do."

"Yeah, there is," the man mutters as he cocks his gun, "put her out of her misery."

Jorge starts thrashing around, trying to get out of the men's grasp, and pleading to not kill her. Suddenly, a woman comes rushing down to us. "Vince, that's enough! Let that man go."

The men obey her orders as Vince doesn't release his gaze off of Brenda. "She's infected, Doc. We can't do anything."

"No," she smiles as her eyes land on Thomas, "but he can." She pauses before continuing. "Hello Thomas."

Everyone looks over to the boy, confused as to how she knows him. "You know me," the boy asks, once again asking the question that's on everyone's minds.

Vince puts down his gun as the woman nods her head. "Interesting," she mumbles, "makes sense they put you in the maze. Though, I must admit--I was worried they would kill you after what you did." She walks over to Brenda, checking on the girl as she looks up at Thomas.

"What did I do," he questions her.

She pauses before looking back up at him with a smile. "The first time we spoke, you said that you couldn't take it anymore. You couldn't keep watching your friends die one by one. The last time we spoke, you gave me the coordinates of every W.C.K.D. compound, trial, and lab."

Everyone looks over at Thomas--a mixture of shock, admiration, relief, and more on our faces. That's why they would send him into the maze even if he worked for them.

"He was our source," Vince notes.

"We couldn't have pulled all this off without you," the woman states with a proud look. She starts ordering people around, but nicely compared to what we've heard so far. A group of men take Brenda to a tent while others leave to get us some warm clothes. Thomas and Jorge follow the lady to the tent while we all stand there, watching the boy walk off.

"He really was our Greenie hero, Minho," I tell the boy, a light chuckle escaping my mouth as I do so.

"Yeah," is all the boy says.

I look over at Milo. The boy hasn't said anything since we met Harriet and Sonya, and now he stands there very still. He looks out of it and his skin was becoming pale. Sweat is beading on his forehead and his shallow breaths can be heard from where I'm standing.

I let go of Newt's hand and rush over to him, placing my hands on either side of his cheeks as I pull his face to look up at me. "Milo, what's wrong? Are you okay? Are you sick?"

He looks over at Newt before looking back at me, locking eyes with me. "I'm- I'm sorry, Clem," he breathes out, his voice raspy and airy.

"Sorry about what, Milo? What's wrong?"

The boy lifts up his left sleeve, revealing a bite on his arm. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach, and suddenly I feel super nauseous. I feel myself start to freak out but I pull myself together and maintain a calm composure. He looks up at me with tears forming in his eyes, "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want to worry you even more. It happened when we were looking for Brenda and Thomas. I went into that room with that Crank and it bit me."

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