Chapter 9

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"How do you know my name," I question the boy.

"We don't have time for this," the girl shouts, "let's go!"

Reluctantly, I nod my head. The walkie-talkie goes off as I lean down and pick up my knife, wiping the blood off on the man's clothing before putting it back in my boot. I notice Teresa in my peripherals lean down and pick something up, the sound of the walkie-talkie disappearing as she does so. What is she doing?

I ignore her and follow behind the girl. All of us run--Newt and Minho on either side of me--as she leads us around the building. Suddenly, a song starts playing on all the speakers around us.

"What is that," I shout to the girl.

"It's Jorge's favorite song," she smirks as she leads us up into his room.

"Brenda, Milo," he calls out to the boy and girl as he rushes over to a window, a big bag slung over his shoulders. "Come on, we don't have much time."

He swings the window doors open, revealing a long zipline that leads to another building. "Sickkk," I let out as Frypan shoots me a look.

"You gotta be kidding me," the boy mumbles as he returns his gaze back to the sight.

"No time to be scared, hermano," Jorge states as he puts ropes onto the line. "You kids wanna make it to the Right Arm? I'll lead you to them. But you're gonna owe me."

He gives us all a look before grabbing onto one of the ropes and swinging himself across the line. The man slides down, making his way to the other side.

"Alright let's go," Brenda shouts, pulling down more ropes.

I jump up to the rope, excitement filling me for the experience. Holding onto it, I prepare myself to slide down.

"Clem," Newt calls out to me.

I look over to the boy, a nervous look on his face. "I'll be okay, Newt. See you on the other side," I smile before swinging my feet and feeling the ground disappear from beneath me. Wind blows against my skin as I slide down and look up at the night sky. "Whoo!"

I slide into an open window and land on my feet. "Have fun, mija," Jorge laughs as I take a few steps away from the line.

"That was probably the coolest thing I've done," I laugh as I look up at him. "Name's Clementine."

"So I've been told," he smiles. A confused look crosses my face as I open my mouth to say something, but I'm cut off by a hand landing on my shoulder.

I turn around and find that it's Newt's. The boy takes his hand off my shoulder and huffs, as if out of breath, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good," I smile.

Everyone else piles into the room--everyone except for Thomas and Brenda. Teresa was the last one to enter through the window, the girl turning her head to look out from it. A minute passes... a minute too long.

"Teresa, where are they," I interrogate the girl as I walk over to her, my tone harsh and urgent.

"I- He- Thomas said he was right behind me," she stutters as she turns to look at me.

"Well clearly he isn't," I exclaim, my voice way louder than I intended but I don't care. I throw my hands up to my hair, scratching at my head.

"What is your problem with me," the girl asks in an annoying tone, as if she's never done anything wrong in her whole life.

"My problem?" I scoff. "My problem is that since the day I met you, you have done absolutely nothing to help us! You've done nothing but cling onto Thomas and act like a little goody-two-shoes.  You don't pull your own weight! My problem is that W.C.K.D. clearly wanted something with you, and did something to you, and you clearly remember your past! It's like you're hiding something from us and I saw you pick up that walkie-talkie."

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