Chapter 11

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I walk back into the room with dim lighting. Jorge keeps beating up Marcus, who's tied down in a chair, and interrogating the man. I let out a sigh as I walk over to Brenda and hand her a glass of water. "There was so much alcohol everywhere, I almost gave up."

She smiles as she takes the glass from me, "Thanks."

"No problem," I return a soft smile. "How's your head?"

"Not as bad as it was before. It's still throbbing a bit though."

"I'm sure it'll go away soon." I look at Milo, the boy sitting on the couch between Brenda and Aris. "How about you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he says simply.

I nod and walk over to Teresa and Thomas. The girl sits at the edge of the futon. I lean against a table beside them. "How is he?"

She looks up at me, an annoyed look on her face at first but they soften almost immediately. "He's uh- he's okay."

"That's good," I mumble. There's an awkward silence between us before I speak up again. "Look, I just- things have been really stressful and frustrating. I know you mean well, it just comes off the wrong way sometimes. And I just really want all of us to be safe... I want all of us to get the happy ending we've been pushing for."

"Yeah, I understand," is all she says.

Suddenly, Thomas wakes up. The boy looks around frantically before Teresa calms him down. Minho walks over and stands over him with a stupid smirk, "Welcome back, ya ugly shank."

"You're not so high up there either, Minho," I laugh at the boy.

"Pshhh, that's such a lie, Clem. And you know it," he responds.

I roll my eyes and walk over to Newt, who sits down on a smaller sofa next to the one Aris and them are sitting on. I ruffle the boy's hair as I sit down beside him. He locks eyes with me, his chocolate orbs looking into my hazel ones. I smile as he returns the gesture.

Thomas walks over to us and Newt's attention shoots up to him, "Looks like you've been having fun." The boy ignores him and looks intriguingly at the show in the middle of the room. Jorge continues his interrogation before it all finally clicks in Thomas's mind.

"Wait, this is Marcus," he blurts out.

"Well he catches on quick," Marcus remarks sarcastically. "Hey kid, are you the brains of this operation or what?"

Jorge grabs ahold of the man's head and slams it backwards, clearly more agitated than ever. "I know you know where they're hiding, Marcus. And I'll tell you what. I'll even make you a deal--you can come with us."

The man, with his face all bloody and swollen, looks up at Jorge with a sigh. "I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I made my own deal."

"What's he talking about," Newt asks from beside me.

"I'm talking about supply and demand," Marcus states.

"Oh quit beating around the bush, what's your point man?" I groan.

"Alright fine, sweetcake. Chill out there," he sighs. I cringe at the pet name.

"Jorge give him another punch for me, will you," Newt asks bluntly.

Jorge shoots Marcus a glare and reels his arm back, getting ready to swing. Marcus huffs and starts talking before he can punch him. "Look, W.C.K.D. wants all the immunes they can get, right? I provide that for them. So I lure the kids in with a party, they have a good time and get drunk and then later, W.C.K.D. comes in and separates the weak from the immune." He snickers while he looks at all of us and I get a shiver down my spine. So many people in this world really are against us.

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