- Author's Note -

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Annnddd that's the end of Book 2. Hopefully you all are enjoying this little series so far. I can definitely say that Book 3 will tug at your guys' heartstrings. Will Clem and Newt get their happy ending? Who knows.

Anyways, I will be working on Book 3 as soon as I can. It will be the last book in this series (unless later on I decide otherwise? I don't know, maybe). But depending on when you read this, Book 3 may or may not be out already.

I just wanna say thank you for all the support and reading along with me on this journey. I've had a lot of fun writing this and literally cannot wait for your guys' reactions to Book 3. I have so many sticky notes everywhere because I write down an idea as soon as I get it so I won't forget it lol. But with that being said, I've had ideas for Book 3 for such a long time now so it's basically already planned out. Literally, when I was writing Book 1 I had so many sticky notes for Book 2 already.

Moving on, thank you all again. Book 3 will be worked on as soon as possible, so be on the lookout for that. It will be based off the movie like the rest of this series has been (with occasional book references.)

With much love,
raexm         x

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