4- High Temperatures (Pt. 2)

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"Morning," Barry's voice sang out. He tossed a granola bar to Trent who poked his head in for the daily check-in. Sebastian's head peeped out of the bedcovers before he made his presence known with a groan.

"You guys are worse than the nurses," he complained. "Barry, stop being a fucking hovercraft and shoo."

Barry smacked his brother lightly on the shoulder. "Where did you pick up all of that swearing?" 

Trent laughed. "You sound like his mom," he commented. 

But when he looked back up, all he could see was the thick tension in the air as the twins fell silent. He knew that he had treaded down the wrong path. He quickly excused himself.

Alone again, Sebastian looked back up at Barry. "How's everyone at home?" he enquired. Barry gulped before hastily nodding. "They're all good."

"What about the bullying?" 

Barry froze. He stayed silent.

"Tony Woodward?"

Barry gave a small nod.

Sebastian couldn't say anything further. But then his lips split into an evil smirk. "What about Iris?"

"What about her?" Barry said, a small blush forming on his cheeks. Sebastian didn't miss it. "Someone has a crush~" he sang cheekily, even through the weakness he was feeling. Barry ducked his head in embarrassment.

"I- I don't... I don't have a crush on her!" he protested. Sebastian wiggled his eyebrows. "Yeah, sure, keep dreaming that you can fool me."

Barry didn't know how to answer that. Instead, he thrust Sebastian's toothbrush into his hands. "Go clean up, I'll send breakfast to your room," he said. Sebastian was confused. "I'm strong enough to stand now, why can't I go downstairs to eat?"

Barry now crossed his arms. "From what I have been listening," he said, annoyed, "You haven't told a single soul here about me. Now, I don't want to argue with you for whatever reason it was, but do you really want to expose me as well when you go downstairs for breakfast?"

Sebastian considered his words. "... I guess not," he said.

"Good," Barry smiled and nodded. Wearing the Dalton uniform, he stepped out of the door, only to be met by Jeff.

"Seb!" the blonde greeted. 

Yeah, Barry had been impersonating Sebastian for the last five days, with some trumped-up excuse for missing Warbler and lacrosse practice. Until Sebastian fully recovered to the peak of his health, Barry had to keep up the charade.

Well, this was fun.

This was an idea I just got to extend the previous chapter, hence the short length of this one.

Hope you enjoyed, and happy reading!

Krakenmaster XP 

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