7- Earrings (Pt. 2)

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The ND were gaping at Kurt's phone while he held it up with pride mixed with a hint of guilt. He could feel Blaine's glare boring into the back of his skull, but he pointedly ignored it.

"He goes all cringe in secret?" Sam's jaw dropped, looking at the somehow-enticing photos of Sebastian wearing earrings. The boys were beginning to question themselves. 

Brittany rolled her eyes. "We all go cringe in secret, Sam."

"Yeah, but this is..."

"Another level," Mike finished. His clothes were damp, clinging to him from the sweat from his dance practice.

Santana had assumed a completely evil expression, her head already coming up with ways to humiliate the Meerkat.

Kurt gulped in guilt as he transferred the photos onto the desktop. The team saw them in full again, while creating a page to post them all over the internet, just like Sebastian had done to Finn. As they flipped through image after image, Finn's eyes narrowed. "Wait, wait, Tina," he said. "Back up by a couple of photos."

Tina pressed the left arrow button twice to backtrack the swift sweep of images. Finn's eyes now landed on the photograph Kurt was praying he wouldn't ask about. "What's that?" he asked.

"Um... nothing," Kurt lied.

He never was a good liar.

"Okay, okay," he held up his hands in panic. "That's Sebastian, his lookalike- probably a twin, and... maybe a friend of theirs."

"A twin?"

"A twin!"

"Double Twink?"

"Is this like The Parent Trap kinda thing?" 

"Shut up!" Kurt yelled. "I don't know anything yet. I don't even know if this photo ought to be uploaded or not."

"I mean, we already are uploading twelve other pictures," Tina pointed out. Kurt twiddled his thumbs. "Yeah, but this feels like a real invasion of privacy with this one," he gestured in the screen's general direction. "I think we should remove this photo."

Santana shrugged. "He will come to us anyway when he sees the others plastered over the web. We can corner him about this then," she said. "Hey, Artie, make sure to have the camera ready. His expression will keep me warm for several winter nights to come."


Sebastian was shaken awake out of his slumber by his alarm. He slammed his hand down on it, but sprang out of bed to get ready for Warbler practice first thing in the morning.

But instead of the usual bustle, he was greeted by silence when he entered the hall.

"Hey, why the glum mood?" he joked, straightening the wrinkles out of his blazer when he saw Nick with a mobile and an imploring expression. Beside him, Jeff was standing, disappointed, and the rest of the Warblers had matching expressions. Sebastian frowned, and snatched the mobile from Nick. 

His eyes widened, his face paled and his fingers shook violently as his attention trailed down each of the dozen images. He looked back up in horror towards his team members. It was as if his deepest darkest secret, the one that made him feel alive, helped him get through each day- his lifeline, finally snapped.

"You could have just told us that you liked earrings," Jeff mumbled first. "Were you that scared of us?"

"Huh?" Sebastian looked up, unable to say a single coherent thing.

"We wouldn't tease you for it, Seb," Thad stepped forward. "We'll respect you, no matter your choices."

The waterworks were threatening to start.

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