13- Fated Day (Pt. 2)

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A/N: Just so you know, I wanted to write the ending as realistic as possible, so if you folks are disappointed, please do remember this aforementioned note.

That was actually... the Meerkat.

In the bed... another Meerkat.

Both of their faces looking painfully peaceful.

Meerkat On the Chair stirred. "Are you back, Dr. Snow?" he mumbled, hastily trying to pat himself down to look presentable. He started wiping down his mouth for any chances of drool when he turned to find Cisco with his guests. His eyes narrowed to judgemental slits.

"Ah... I knew I smelt stupidity here," he growled.

He was surprised. For a split second, his face had betrayed the emotion. But his reflexes kicked in, and the cool Smythe Mask(TM) was back in place. As if no other expression had previously occupied his features. He couldn't help it; frankly, he didn't even want to at the moment.

"What the what, man?" Cisco sounded offended. Kurt placed a firm hand on his shoulder. "He was talking to us, Cisco. We have... a history together." Much as it pained Kurt to associate himself with that dreg of humanity, he owed it to himself to protect his host.

Santana's methods were different. Per usual, she stalked towards Sebastian and slapped him right across his face. Sebastian coughed and spluttered as his rival watched with crossed arms.

"As much as I deserved that, Sha-Queer-A, I thought even you had the decency to not to do this in front of my brother," Sebastian snapped. His eyes were now clearly visible, rimmed by dark circles, worry etched into his brows, his face pale and gaunt. Santana glared down at the sleeping duplicate, the Meerkat In the Bed. Cisco pushed past her to check on him.

"Vitals normal... for now," Cisco sighed. "Mr. Smythe-"

"Please," he was interrupted. "Call me Sebastian. Least I can do for you helping my brother."

"Okay, Sebastian," Cisco picked back up. "Cai- Dr. Snow is on a leave today since she has gone over to Mercury Labs for advice on Barry's case. They have more upgraded tech than ours, so if we require the occasional CT scan, we'd be ready."

Sebastian nodded in understanding. Then he caught Cisco's eye and bowed his head in exasperation. "Okay, we'll take this outside," he mumbled. Gesturing to Santana and Kurt, he stepped out to lead them back out into the open.

But Santana really couldn't let him get far before she violently caught his arm and spun him around in front of the entrance to the pipeline. She dragged him right into the monitoring space in front of the door, and plonked him hard on the ground.

"I wanted to explain, but you have successfully changed my mind," Sebastian sneered, even with a split lip now blooming with blood adorning his face. Kurt rolled his eyes. "Why are you even bothering with him, Santana?" he questioned. Sebastian cocked his head towards him. "Good to see you've outgrown girl clothes, Princess," he smirked. "And grown a brain in the process too, it appears."

Another punch from Santana right in his gut partially helped in shutting him up.

"You have done some really irreparable damage, Twink, so if I were you, I'd be pretty terrified right now," Santana warned him. Kurt gulped. Was she taking this too far? Sebastian had damaged them all to a huge extent- but that was in his childish fervour. The man he was seeing on the ground in front of him now... something had changed. His eyes looked like they had years of pain, anger and maturity. Something he hadn't let slip before.

"Okay, genius," Sebastian huffed. Standing up, he straightened his hoodie. "You want to know why and how I ended up with a twin. Which is none of your business, really."

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