6- Earrings (Pt. 1)

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"I'd like to take this pair, please," a slender finger pointed to a set of drop earrings. The shop owner looked once at her customer in the hoodie, then started packing the selected set inside a neat little box.

"For your girlfriend?" she asked the boy.

"Mhm, something like that."

"Want them gift-wrapped then?"

"Oh, no, that won't be necessary."

The shopkeeper nodded and finished up, handing over the box with the bill to the hooded boy and received the total amount in return with a small, shy, "Thanks." 

The boy ran back to his residence in the Dalton Academy dormitories and softly shut the door behind him. He finally let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. He finally pulled out the small box he was hugging to himself through the hoodie. The hood fell off, revealing the face of a secretly pleased Sebastian Smythe.

He walked over to his dressing table and pulled out the small mirror. Propping it up on the table, he started unclasping the earrings. Once the screws had come off, he carefully placed them on the desk where they glinted in the moonlight. He raised one earring to the tiny hole he had in one ear and fixed it. Turning to the other ear, he did the same.

He sat back and examined himself in the mirror, pleased with how he looked. Once or twice, his hand came up spontaneously to brush the drop earrings here and there, feeling the coolness of the metal on his skin. He sighed, closing his eyes.

Ever since Sebastian was a middle-schooler, he had always looked at girls with a certain degree of interest- to be more precise, his attention was drawn to their ears. Each female had a glittering pair of earrings adorning their ears, and he had felt the tug in his stomach to try it out. 

When he came to Ohio after leaving Central City, he had done precisely that. The electric feeling of the sight in the mirror just made him splurge on himself, resulting in the drawer of the dressing table to be filled to the brim with earrings of all sorts. He adored himself in them, honestly. He thought that this bizarre, supposedly eccentric feelings for a boy had something to do with him being gay.

But he was scared of scarring his perfect image in front of others, and he knew nothing about Barry. He had always noticed Barry looking at Iris longingly and knew that this boy was hella straight. Would he accept him? And even if he did, would he accept this strange behaviour of his twin brother? Would the world be able to accept him without beating him to death?

It wasn't hard to see why he kept this a secret.

He took off the drop earrings with a sigh, but not before taking a selfie and saving the image in his secret album. He packed the jewellery back neatly and slid them into the drawer before calling it a night.


"I need something," Kurt huffed. "He photoshopped pictures of Finn, so we need some form of blackmail on him!"

Sam was nodding away, Tina, Quinn, Rachel and Santana looking extremely pleased. Artie was just plain pissed that Sebastian had bested them a long time ago in performing Bad, and even though he had apologised, something had stirred the New Directions like never before. A simple apology, dedicating a performance and pulling down of photos wasn't enough.

Okay, maybe it was. But when a seething Santana had sworn revenge, the glee club of McKinley realised that their anger hadn't dissipated yet.

"Blaine will take me to Dalton tomorrow on the pretext of meeting the Warblers, and I can slip in to look for evidence in Smythe's dorm room," Kurt laid out his plan. "The Meerkat will be held up long enough by Blaine- maybe ten minutes- and I will be out by then."

"Neat and simple, I like it," Quinn smirked. "You've grown brains there, Hummel."

Kurt bowed in smug acceptance, but Blaine was still in flustered protest.

"No buts, Hair Gel," Santana interjected. "We don't want you to mess up our one chance."


Blaine was, of course, heartily welcomed by the Warblers. Sebastian was sticking by Hunter's side like glue, since he had to curry favour with the New Captain of the Warblers. This was just what Kurt needed to gain extra time for snooping around.

Pushing gently through the door of Sebastian's room, he took a good look around. Huh. Meerkat was actually a pretty organised person. But then again, that was to be considered with how put together he looked. Kurt had often envied Sebastian for his skills in grooming. He had even looked stunning in long, thick hair properly gelled when he and Blaine visited.

Kurt rifled through Sebastian's bag. Books.

His cupboard. books.

His desk. Books.

Goodness! Did this boy only ever study?

Kurt was mentally cursing the Warbler out as he flipped through the pages of a randomly selected book with French essays penned in cursive, probably written with a fountain pen, judging by the rich colour and flow of the ink. 

Kurt shoved it back into the cupboard when he saw something flutter out. A photograph...?

This had his interest piqued.

He picked up the photograph and stared at it. It showed the scenery of an airport in the background. In the foreground were two boys and a girl- more precisely... twins and a sweet chocolate-skinned girl.

Kurt had to stop himself from gasping. Sebastian had a twin?

This photo seemed to have something wrong with it. Sebastian and his duplicate, whoever he was, was smiling. No. Their facial muscles weren't supposed to make that expression. No matter how much he willed the wonderful, carefree grins to transform into the smirk he hated, they remained frozen in the picture. Kurt quickly snapped a photograph of it and decided to get moving.

It was then that his hip hit really hard against the dressing table, the only place he hadn't checked because he thought what others would- what's the point in snooping around products?

Nevertheless, his hand pulled open the drawer to find Sebastian's concealed phone and... maybe enough earrings to donate to an army of women. Kurt took one out and examined it. It would suit Rachel, maybe even Santana. He replaced it and wondered why Sebastian had so many of them. 

He picked up the phone, fingers trembling because he was doing something he hated- invading someone's privacy. But curiosity got the better of him and he opened it. It had no lock. Seemed like Sebastian trusted his peers a lot.

He swiped. through the contents, finding video lessons ("Seriously?" Kurt hissed) and downloaded songs and more photos of the girl and his duplicate. 

But then Kurt stumbled upon an isolated folder and clicked on it. Not two photos down and he gasped.

Each of the photos showed Sebastian sporting some glamorous earring of some sort. He had taken them in different poses, with different hairstyles, some in pyjamas and some in his uniform. One was even with him in a nightgown. 

Kurt had to get this. He pulled out the spare pen drive from his pocket and started copying a few images into it. Because no matter what, even he, Kurt, didn't go as far as wearing women's earrings, so this had just made his trip successful.

A/N: Sorry for making Kurt so mean...

And just to clear it up, men/boys can wear whatever clothes, jewellery or accessories they like. This biased writing style was just inspired from this story's version of Kurt's POV.

See you in part two! 

Krakenmaster XP

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