15- Kurtbastian (Pt. 2)

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Sebastian exhaled, feet firmly planted outside CC Central Auditorium.

He really wanted to rethink his life decisions. Not that he wasn't already doing that. He had been digging his heels stubbornly on the pavement blocks, hoping that they would magically give way to a manhole so that he can be lost forever.

Was it the reunion that was bothering him?

Or was it the fact that he hadn't said anything to Barry?

Or maybe, it was how he was feeling unenthusiastic about a kind of adventure he hadn't asked for.


Well, nah.

It was just the imprint left behind in his mind, the words echoing in his head since that day.

"We missed each other. Including you."

The Warblers missed him. The New Directions missed him.

Kurt missed him.

His heart did a tiny backflip. He had to bully it into settling back into place.

Taking a deep breath, he ducked his head and entered the huge, yawning doors. But before he could take another step, he was swept in by two huge, thick arms, followed by lanky arms placed on his shoulders, gently guiding him inside.

Both his ex-boyfriends were dragging him in. Like nothing had ever gone down between them.

"Duval!" he screeched, yelping and thrashing around, but he knew he had overdone it when Nick threw him over his shoulder and carried him down the stairs like he weighed no more than half a pound. Sebastian strained his torso to see Jeff with a guilty and slightly guarded expression, but smiling nonetheless.

Tears pooled in Sebastian's eyes. It had been so long since he had felt such love.

By the time Nick set him down in one of the auditorium's chairs, Sebastian had started sobbing noisily.

"Wh- what happened?" Thad rushed over, pulling the other Warblers over like a magnet as they gathered around their ex-captain. Nick and Jeff stood close together, hand in hand, but they were rounded over Sebastian protectively.

But when Sebastian continued crying, a new group caught sight of him and came closer. Kurt pushed his way through the swarm of Warblers and kneeled down in front of Sebastian, hands on the other's knees.

"What happened?" he asked softly. Sebastian flinched when he heard his voice and raised his head, eyes wide. And red. And puffy.

Suddenly, he acted on the urge to shy away from Kurt's expressive face.

"I told you I shouldn't have come," he mumbled. Wes flew into a fury at that. "How can you say that?" he roared. "You were literally missing, Seb! Do you have any idea how hard it was on us to lead on by ourselves without having you to rely on?"

"We don't need to be lead," Jeff said softly, "But we do need our rock."

And finally- finally, Blaine wove through too. He kneeled down beside Sebastian and smiled warmly.

"Sebastian," he spoke. "Remember? Once a Warbler..."

Sebastian laughed through his choked sniffles. "Always a Warbler," he finished, wiping his eyes.


"Better?" Blaine asked, handing Sebastian yet another tissue. The man had used this opportunity to cry and scream out his frustrations at life, let off some steam. It was only much later that he realised that Finn, Santana and Burt Hummel had been watching him. Oddly. Sympathetically. Their faces had managed to squish the two emotions together.

He had felt a scalding warmth rise in his neck at that point. He chose to ignore it, turning away to talk more to Blaine and Thad. Kurt got the hint and steered his father and friends away to give him some privacy. But he did have a small, satisfied smile as he walked away.

"C-can I get some water?" Sebastian wiped his bloodshot eyes, wishing he had something to cool them down. It was still weird and awkward, sitting amongst his closest rivals and being his raw self.

Reading his mind, Blaine brought out a bottle of water, along with a cold metal spoon. "Place that on your eyes, it'll soothe them a bit," he advised. Sebastian immediately wanted to snap back at him that he knew how to use the spoon, thank you very much, but then bit his lip and stopped. He was trying to be civil here. He didn't want to mess this up.

Not with a very single Kurt around, anyway...

No. Stop.

"Thanks," he murmured, his voice still a bit rough, and downed the water gratefully. It had a tiny citrus hint to it, so he concluded it was actually flavoured. It was so like the former Warbler to have everything flavoured.

"So," Sebastian tried to break the ice, searching for topics. "I heard you and Hummel broke up."

He instantly smacked himself mentally. Way to go, Bas.

Blaine stiffened slightly at that. Then he slumped, as if giving up to resignation. "Yeah, the spark kind of died out between us."

Sebastian didn't want to poke. But he wanted to. It was a bad fight.

"He got interested in someone else."

That surprised the listener. "Do you... know?" he probed gently. Blaine turned to him. "Do I know who it is? No," he shook his head. "But that must be one damn wonderful man to make him want to lose something as special as what we had."

Sebastian took to staring at his shoes in embarrassment. He shouldn't have raised the topic in the first place. "I'm sorry," he murmured. Blaine laughed sadly. "Don't be," he stated. "It's not your fault, anyway. Kurt didn't even cheat on me, despite me doing the same a while ago. He said he wanted to tell me straight up, rip off the bandage. And I agree, It's much less drama that way."

Sebastian wished he could keep asking; maybe Blaine could take a fair guess who the person was. But he shook his head internally. This man, once a friend, was hurting. He knew the pain of rejection too.

"But it hurts like hell," Sebastian sighed. Blaine nodded. "You experienced the same thing?" he asked. Sebastian now played with the laces on his shoes. "Something similar, yeah," he groaned. "Except, I was rejected before I could even ask him out. He had a boyfriend already. But it was long ago, so I think I've moved on."

His insides were screaming at him about how big of a liar he was. Of course he wasn't over Kurt. And now he couldn't help but wonder about this new mystery man in his crush's life.

And he stood up, with a finality in his voice. He had reached a decision.

"Um, thanks for the help. And your time. Really," he said. "I have some business here in the city, so I'll see you later for the party in the evening."

Blaine nodded, and Sebastian turned on his heel to storm upstairs.

He had to consult a certain, close journalist.

A/N: Each of my stories start out as one-shots and extend into a few chapters. It's weird. Do you guys prefer these part-by-part stories or would you like one-shots better? Please comment!

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