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A few minutes ago an employee came and inform Y/n that the CEO has called her. So now Y/n is arranging her stuff. After she was done, she stood up and went towards the CEO's office door.

She knocked and opened the door. To her surprise, there was no one there.

She slowly entered inside. She walked towards the table and placed the files, she completed a while ago.

She was about to leave when she heard something. She stopped and looked around to see if anyone was there. As she didn't hear anything she turned around to leave.

Just then she again heard something. A low cooing came from the side where the couch was. She walked towards the couch to see what was making that sound.

She got surprised when she saw a little baby was there. Playing on its own. Her heart melted right away. She felt like this is the cutest baby she has ever seen.

She slowly sit on the couch and caressed the baby's hand as she smiled.

"Hey, there little one. What are you doing on your own?" She asked in a babyish voice. "Where are your mommy and daddy?"

Of course, the baby won't respond so she just makes the baby sit on her lap.

"You're so cute!" She said as she tickled the baby.

The baby laughed cutely making her heart melt even more.

"You're so adorable little one," She said as she pats the baby's little nose.

She played with the baby for a minute but then the baby yawned.

"Aw, are you sleepy my prince?"

The baby just yawned again as she slowly caressed the baby's head and then took him in her arms. She caressed the back of him and after a few minutes, she felt like he fall asleep.

So when she felt reassured she gently placed him on the couch.

While she was admiring him she heard the door opening. She turned her head to take a look at who has entered.

She stood up when she saw it is the CEO who has entered. She bowed to him. But for some reason, the CEO looked surprised.

"What are you doing here?"

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