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It's been 35 minutes since then and now Y/n is feeding Ji-woon cake.

Y/n giggled when Ji-woon licked the cream from his lips. He looks adorable when he does that. Y/n took a tissue and carefully started wiping.

"I'm here too, you know?" Jimin said annoyedly.

"Huh? You need something?" She asked looking at him.

"You aren't giving me any attention at all," He said pouting.

"Aw, you need attention? Here!"

She said as she turned to him and placed her arm on the table & rest her chin on her palm.

"A-ah d-don't look at me like that!" He said getting flustered.

"I thought you need attention?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Oh right! I-I brought something for you!"

He said as he took out a small box from his pocket and placed it on the table.

"What is it?!" She asked excitedly.

She was about to take it but Jimin covered it with his hand.

"What?!" She asked in a whiny tone.

"Open it after I go to my room," He said clearing his throat.

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