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"She's at the delivery room," She replied standing up.

"Oh, um...you did a lot for us already. You can go home now if you want," He said smiling.

"Is that really okay? Do you want me to go to your house and take Y/n's stuff from there?" She asked showing a bit of concern. "As we were in a rush I forgot to pick up her stuff."

"No Julia you already did a lot. Thank you very much. I can ask aunt Kim to pick up her stuff," He said smiling.

"Oh...okay. I'll get going then."

She said as she left.

Jimin sat on the bench and took Ji-woon in his arm causing Ji-woon to wake up.

"Where were you appa? I was trying to call you non-stop!" He said getting mad at him as he get out of his grip & sat beside him.

"Appa is sorry Ji-woonah. I was in the meeting so my phone was switched off," He said trying to explain himself.

Ji-woon keeps on pouting in anger. Jimin gave up and they just waited there. After around 30 minutes later Ji-woon looked at Jimin.

"You need something?" Jimin asked smiling as sweetly as possible.

Ji-woon flinched and again turned to the other side.

"I-I'm hungry," He said in a low tone still not looking at him.

Jimin chuckled, "Okay, you wait here while appa brings something for you to eat," He said as he stood up.

10 minutes later when Jimin came back. He noticed Ji-woon was talking to the doctor. Jimin got confused and rushed toward them. As he got near them, the doctor looked at him smiling.

"Are you the father?" He asked smiling.

"Y-Yes..." He replied nervously.

"Congratulations, it's a girl," The doctor said smiling.

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