2. Feelings Hurt, Happy Soul

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Previously, on My Omega Mate...

"Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit next to you?"

I hesitated to look up and couldn't bring myself to gaze at her eyes. I already felt like a nervous wreck, and she might have caught on to it. Anne might also think that I'm super weird for being awkward and quiet. Please, moon goddess, kill me now.


Marcy's POV

"Where else would you sit?" I accidentally blurted out my sarcasm. I sounded really mean and annoyed with the tone I used. This time, I really couldn't look Anne in the eyes. She must be looking at me like I'm insane. She probably hates me already for sounding harsh. Stupid Marcy.

"O-oh. Sorry dude. I just wanted to make sure if you were okay with me sitting next to you. I mean, this is the only seat open for me. I'll just not bother you and stop talking heh," Anne nervously laughed and sat down on the desk next to me. She set her bag on the floor and clasped her hands together. I took a quick glance at Anne to see that she didn't look too happy. More like she was upset. I felt extremely bad knowing that it was me who made her feel like that. She was only trying to be nice to me, and I had to mess up the chance of being friends with her.


Anne's POV

No wonder why she said that. I'm such an idiot. Why the hell did I bother asking my mate if I could sit next to her. Of course I can sit next to her. That's why there are desks available for people like me to sit in. It wasn't necessary for me to ask for her permission to be sitting down next to my peer. She must think I'm a moron for asking such a stupid question. That's the reason why she had to give me a sharp answer. I don't blame her, but it does hurt to be snapped at by your own mate that you barely just found out that she's your mate. Wait, hold on. Let's rewind a bit, shall we?

Two days ago

"Anne! Wake up!"

"Ughhh. Go away," I groaned tiredly into my pillow.

"But Anne! You have to."

"Give me five more minutes."

"Okayyy. Say I didn't warn ya."

I was confused about what my friend was talking about. Before I knew it, I heard footsteps running towards my bed and someone landing on top of me. My eyes opened immediately as I twisted my body and lifted my head to see my buddy, Sprig. He was smiling as huge as ever. Something that I wouldn't get tired of.

"Happy birthday Anne!"

"Thanks dude! I almost forgot about my birthday. I was so busy this week that I didn't even know what day it was," I stretched my limbs out, feeling refreshed.

"Well, it's a good thing I reminded you. Get ready. I have a present for you waiting downstairs," Sprig winked before leaving my room. I beamed at the kind gesture of Sprig getting me a gift. I was eager to know what it was, so I began to get dressed for my special day. During my routine, I thought about a present that Sprig is not able to give me. A mate.

Every year on your birthday, there's a chance that you get to find your mate. Those who are only dominant or the highest ranking in a pack, find their mate. There's two different ways to know who's your mate. One would be smell. A strong, pleasant odor from your mate can catch your attention and make you not want to stay away from them.

My Omega Mate (Marcanne) Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now