3. My Plan

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Previously, on My Omega Mate...

I need to know more about her. She's a mystery, and I got to play the detective. I have to make her feel more comfortable and open whenever we engage. I'll be straightforward and bold. Maybe I can throw in some pick-up lines to get Marcy into me. I can't just come up to her and say, Hey Marcy. I just wanted to let you know that we are mates so please be my luna in our pack and be with me forever. That would totally freak her out. When the time is right, I'll tell her.


Third Person

"Out of all things Wu, you just told her to find another partner."

"I know, I know. I'm such a dummy. First, I was excited to see Anne to the point where my heart was about to burst out of my chest. Then, when she asked me if she can sit next to me, my stupid self had to sound rude and make a sarcastic response. And when I had the chance to tell her about myself, I ruined that chance," the short haired teen whined.

"Answer me this. What made you upset that you needed to go to the bathroom and cry? If Boonchuy is the reason, I swear to frog she'll get a knuckle sandwich from me," Sasha cracked her knuckles.

"It's not that! Well, sort of. I was just emotional when she told me that she had a crush on someone in class. That's what made me upset."

"Now hold the front door. What if she likes my Gabby?!"

"Seriously Sasha? Your Gabby?" Marcy smirked at her friend. Sasha started to blush in embarrassment for exposing herself.

"Ahem. What I meant was, what if she has a crush on Gabby? I mean, they are friends and in the same class. *Gasp* What if she likes you!? Maybe she's trying to get at you."

"Why would she have a crush on someone like me? I messed up things between us. Anne is going to hate me just like everyone else does. I'm certain she would tell someone in class to trade seats with her."

"Now now. Let's not get too far with this situation. You're an amazing person, Marcy. Just try not being awkward, and instead, be open. Don't shut Anne down and avoid her presence. Follow my tip, and you'll be friends, maybe girlfriends, in the future," Sasha coughed up some advice for her best friend.

"I'll do my best. Everytime we look at each other, I feel weird and ecstasy. As if we have some form of connection. I try not to stare at Anne too long or else she'll know I like her."

"That's exactly how I felt when it came to Gabby and I talking to each other. I did the most not to show that I have a crush on her. Our conversation did go smoothly. She's pretty cool and quite the gossipy girl which I'm not complaining about. I just know that in the future, we'll be great friends and hopefully mates. If not, I'll wish her the best and be happy for Gabby."

"Same here if I was in the same situation as you," Marcy thought about what Sasha said.

"Don't worry too much about it, Wu. Spark a conversation with Anne, go with the flow, and in no time, you two will both be like two peas in a pod."

"We'll see about that. Tomorrow will be a brand new day. I could potentially start all over with Anne."

"That's my girl. You got this! Believe in yourself and build up your confidence," the blondie cheered.

My Omega Mate (Marcanne) Werewolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now