8. You're My Priority

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Previously, on My Omega Mate...

"You're not rejecting me, right?" Marcy nervously questioned.

"What? No, of course not. I would never reject you. You mean the universe to me, I swear. Here's the thing. I found out something that you've been hiding from me. And before you assume I'll be upset or mad at you, I'm not. Not one bit."

"W-what did you find out?"

"I found out what pack you belong to."


Third Person

Marcy had to contemplate for a minute. One, Anne told her she wasn't mad or upset. Two, Anne wouldn't think of her differently. Three, Anne found out all of her hidden secrets.

"I-I..." Marcy wasn't able to say much. She was frozen in place. It was like she was caught doing something horrendous.

"You don't need to say anything if you don't want to. I'll understand. I will tell you what I know," Boonchuy reassured her. The topic will be hard to talk about, especially for Marcy. Anne has to clear the air and keep her lover away from Andrias. If not, one of these days, it will be too late.

"Yesterday, I found two people on my territory who used to belong in the Newtopia pack. Their names are Yunan and Olivia. They took care of you when you were young," Anne paused for a second when Marcy's eyes started to water. She couldn't tell how she felt at the moment, so Anne continued on.

"They explained to me everything that happened to you while you were with them in the Newtopia pack. That includes what Andrias has done to you. When Yunan and Olivia explained the details of how he abused you, it made me go mad. I was so out of place that I wanted to leave and find Andrias for myself. After all he's done to you, I felt powerless at that moment. I felt that way because I never knew you were hurting and all this time I could've protected you. Now, I want to know as to why you didn't tell me what was going on back at home?"

Anne firmly held onto Marcy's shoulders to get an answer from her mate. It made Marcy look Anne into her eyes while teardrops were falling one by one. Anne was taken back to see Marcy this vulnerable for the first time. She can tell that Marcy didn't want her to find out this soon and there was a reason for it.

"I couldn't, Anne. I j-just couldn't. I was finally able to get the mate of my dreams. You. But then I realized a lot of things that made me overthink so much. I was afraid that you would hate me for being abused by my own alpha. I was scared that you'd hate me for being an omega. I was frightened that you would hurt me when you find out that I'm in the Newtopia. But I swear Anne, I hate that pack with all my might. I'm nothing to them. They wish I was dead and I wished that too until I found out you were my mate. You're the reason I'm here Anne. So please believe me when I say this," Marcy choked back her sobs before finishing off her explanation.

"I am so sorry for not telling you. I didn't want to lose you because of what I am or what's being done to me. I couldn't bear the fact of losing someone who finally understands me. Someone who makes me feel happy, loved, and cherished. Not only that but Andrias is after you. He had me search around school to see if you were there, but I lied to him. I wasn't going to betray you because that would be the stupidest thing I'd ever done. I kept the abuse a secret from you because I knew you would chase after him. He's dangerous Anne. He'll hurt you when he gets the chance, and I don't want that to happen."

Marcy wrapped her arms around Anne's neck and pulled her into a hug. Her head laid on the crook of her mate's neck while Anne placed her chin on top of Marcy's head. She gently rubbed Wu's back to calm her down from sobbing. It was all too much for the highschoolers. Marcy suffered so much she deserves to be far away from the problem causing her sufferings.

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