Boy Division

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Sunny's POV

"C'mon, Sunny! Gee's expecting ya!" Cy calls, gesturing towards him. I catch up to him, snapping out of my sort of daydream.

I'm in downtown 'Jersey with Cyanide and Ember...I think. We've been shopping for Frankie's birthday, I guess - I wanted to get him something really awesome. Something he'll really like.

As much as I know he'd like one, perhaps not a dog.

The fact that I have to give back Venom sometime soon hurts me, but for some reason this isn't bothering me right now. I got Frank - God knows why - a mug with Venom and Ray's faces on it.

What the hell?

Yet I don't question the weirdness of this all, and link arms with my friends.

"Where are we headed?" I ask Ember, who when I look at her, I can't help noticing that she's suddenly very heavily pregnant.

Since when was she, like, THAT pregnant?!

"Duh, the picnic with Gerard! He wanted us to take you there?"

Oh. Right. Of course. Because I totally remember that...

We get to the little grassy bit before the climb to Gee and I's spot really, really quickly, as if it were just around the corner.

"Right, this is where we leave you! Have a good time, Sunny!" Cy gives me a quick hug, then pats Ember's belly. "C'mon, Em, we've got a baby to give birth to!"

And with that, they take each other's hand and skip off, completely out of sight.

This is really fucking bizarre.

"Geebear?" I call out, climbing the hill, cupping my hand over the top of my eyes to look out for him. The glare of the sunset is almost unbelievable. It's like I'm blind.

I climb to the top, scratching my head, still searching for my boyfriend.

Then, suddenly, two arms wrap around my waist. "Hey, you!"

"Hey!" I turned my head slightly and kiss his pale cheek. "Are we having a picnic?"

"M'hm!" He pulls his arms from around me, takes my hand and sits me under the blossom tree. There's no blossom anymore though, because it's winter.

Hey, at least the seasons aren't messed up like everything else. That gives me a little comfort.

Geebear stares at me expectantly for a minute, then I look back at him, confused.

"Uh, sugar, it's not really a picnic if there's no food." I say, staring at him, confused.

Then he takes my hand and pulls me up again, sitting us right on the end of the edge of the spot. It's almost like a muddy cliff. A very, very long drop...that if you fell, you'd fall into the intersection.

Now, this isn't geographically correct and this isn't what it's really like, but I'm just going with it.

I'd sure hate to fall down there...

"Okay, I lied." He admits, his smile fading. "Sorry, but I wanted us to be in private so I could tell you...I'm sorry, but I..."

"What? What is it, Geebear?"

"I don't love you anymore, Sunshine."

Oh God.

It's cutting me like a knife.

It's hitting me like a ton of bricks.

I've never felt more instantly depressed in my entire life than in this one moment.

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