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Mikey's POV

It's been about 2 weeks since we all found out that Bob likes Sunny, and 2 weeks since I last went to school.

Gerard's been in his room for these 2 weeks solid, and only left it to go to the bathroom and get food. He's been in one of his deep depressions, but this time it's been over nothing. Well...hardly anything.

I'm outside his room with Ember now, and I've decided that I'm going to try and get him up and out of this...with Em's help. Sunny's been calling and asking me for days where he's been, but I had to lie and say he was sick. Apparently he won't answer his phone...he doesn't tend to, in these phases.

She squeezes my hand tightly, and butterflies appear in my stomach as I smile at her. Okay, here goes.

I knock on the door, and there's no reply...as usual. So I open the door with my free hand, and as soon as I get in the room I regret it. It smells like a mixture of tobacco, whiskey and sweat...it's fucking disgusting.

The room is almost completely black, and the floor is littered with clothes and drawings. I lead Ember to his bed, stepping carefully over everything. I know he's in there - there's a Gerard sized lump in the covers.

"Gee." I say softly, poking his side. He doesn't stir.

"Gee!" I say a little louder, with a slight shake of the lump. He still doesn't move.

Right, that's it.

"GEE!" I yell, and sit on the lump, hand still holding Ember's.

He shuffles and turns so that I fall off the bed. Getting up, dusting down my skinny jeans and blushing, I stand and put my hand back into Ember's as we watch Gee emerge from his bed - a rare sight from these past weeks!

I squint through my glasses, but even with my short eyesight and the dark it's clear that he's hungover. He's got dark circles under his eyes, he's as pale as a vampire, and his raven hair is dishevelled and knotted. He glares at me, rubbing an eye.

"What?" He says in a monotone voice.

"Gerard, firstly I wanted you to meet my girlfriend, Ember." I reply calmly, trying not to get frustrated although I am already a little pissed off. He's my brother, I look up to him - but how can I look up to such a mess at the moment?

Ember bows her beautiful head, smiling shyly. "Hi, Gerard. I've heard a lot about you."

He turns his head to her, and sits up a little. He puts a kind edge to his voice now as he props his shoulder up against the headboard, and I notice he's wearing the same Iron Maiden shirt he's been wearing for these two weeks. I keep quiet though, and watch the two converse.

"Oh, Ember Wilding, right? I've heard a lot about you, too. Say, that reminds me, how old are you? I never see you at Lunch, so I figured maybe you were freshman and had a different lunch recess or something..."

"Oh! I, uh, am the same age as Mikey. I got moved up because I had high grades, too."

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting I'm two years younger than all of my best friends and my brother! I got moved up to their year after I got some pretty high grades in Maths. Once I informed Sunny this last week via the phone, she chuckled and called me her little Smart Cookie.

Damn, she reminds me so much of Gee; no wonder they're dating.

Em continues, sounding unsure. "I never come to sit with you guys because...I...uhm...have extra Art class to do in every recess. Yeah...that's it."

"Oh. I remember doing that class, it's...fun." Gee raises an eyebrow at her hurried response, but carries on. "Sorry we met like this. Right now I'm in a little bit of a..."

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