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"Mikes, are you okay?" Jamia asks carefully, breaking the silence.

Mikey is just staring into space, his lip shaking. He brushes off the fact that she called him by his nickname, and turns a little angry. "Jamia, do I look like I'm okay?"

"Hey, she was just asking, Mikes." Frankie, who is sat in between Jamia and I, takes both of our hands and squeezes them tight.

Frank doesn't like when we fight, I don't think.

"Stop calling me Mikes!" Mikey growls suddenly, standing up. "I'm not in a nickname kind of mood! The girl I love fucked me over. So just leave me alone and let me get over with it myself."

"Mikes - Mikey. Stop it, man. We're all just trying to be supportive. Remember that she fucked us over too. We're - well, were - her friends -"

"Just shut up, Gerard. Fuck you. Y'know what? Fuck you all." Mikey shakes his head, slams his fist down onto the table again and marches away.

"Holy shit. I can't believe it. I...I've never seen him like that!" Ray remarks in shock once Mikey's a safe distance away.

"Yeah, Mikey isn't an angry person..." Bob agrees.

But nobody answers. We're all a bit shocked.

"I just...I can't believe it." Ray repeats, shaking his head.

I look towards Geebear, who's chewing his bottom lip in a troubled way.

...and in a very hot way.


...I'm not lying, though.

His hazel eyes look to mine, and he smiles lightly, before raking a hand through his dark hair and averting his gaze onto the table.

Some people look depressed, some shocked, and some generally concerned. I'm upset too, but I don't like it when my friends are sad...so, cue my cheery mood!

"Oh come on, guys!" I spring up, still holding Frankie's hand, smiling suddenly. "Cheer up. Let's worry about this later, 'kay? I mean, we've still got a little bit of Lunch left...let's do something fun! How about we pull a few fun pranks, hm?"


"Oh come on? Sabotage the Staff Room? Soak Miss Waters room again?"

Ah, Miss Waters. Since Ally and I had had the sponteanous water fight in Astronomy class, we decided to make it a regular thing in that we would partake in water-related pranks towards Miss Waters. Ironic, isn't it, that she's called that and we're constantly covering her room in it.

Hey, don't feel sorry for her, she's horrible!

Nobody's speaking again.

"Come on, guys, can't we just do something? Jamia? Frankie? Bob?"

Bob looks up, glares at me, then looks back down.

Things have been awkward between Bob and I since I had that little outburst. He doesn't speak to me anymore, and for that I feel incredibly guilty, but he won't give me chance to apologize, so I don't know what to do.


Everyone's heads snap towards the left, and we see a beautiful, auburn haired girl with pigtails dance around her friend, yelling out random words. Her friend, a goodlooking, tall boy with dark hair, looks incredibly amused.

"Hey, Jenny -"


"Jen, you might just want to turn around -"

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