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Sunshine's POV

Nobody else has noticed, but I realise that there's something at my feet. I glance under the table to see Gee's panicky face looking at the same spot, and our intertwined hands are now clenched so hard together that I can see the whites of his knuckles. I question him with my eyes - what's wrong? - but he doesn't react. All he's doing is staring worriedly at whatever's at my feet.

My eyes slowly follow his gaze, and I notice a sketchbook next to my Converses. It's open on a page with a drawing on it, but it's too shadowy under here so I can't make out what it is. A face, maybe? Despite the darkness, I can see the carefully sketched lines and shading.

Whatever it is, I've just pieced together that it's Gerard's. I look back to him, and he bites his lip worriedly. I furrrow my brow and I'm about to open my mouth to whisper something when --

"Sunny! What are you doing under the table?" I hear Bob's deep voice murmur.

I spring up, and so does Gee at the exact time.

Perhaps subtlety could be something we'll need to work on, in future.

Bob was obviously the only one who saw us both under the table - Frankie and Jamia are kissing, Mikey's boasting to Ray and Ally about Ember and I think Bob was probably staring at Ally before he noticed that I was under the table. Thank God he didn't tell everyone that we were under there! But it's okay, Bobert's not like that. Besides, he doesn't know that Gee and I are dating, so we couldn't have looked that suspicious...

...I hope so, anyway.

He frowns in confusion at both of us, but shakes it off. Gee's eyes have turned away to Mikey, so its just Bob and I. He clears his throat, flicks his long, blonde fringe and comes close to me.

"I need to tell you something, and I figured you're the best person to tell."  He whispers.

"Go on...?"

"I like someone. A lot.”

"I can guess who!" I whisper back with a childish giggle, and his eyes widen.

" can?!"

He looks alarmed. Why? I won't tell anyone about him liking Ally, I'm not like that either.

"M'hm! It's -"


Oh. My. Gosh.

WHAT? No, he likes Ally, you could tell this morning, you could tell! I swear by it - it seemed like he had a crush on Ally! No, not me, not Sunshine. Ally. Maybe Bob had got the two names mixed up? Ally and Sunny end similarly. Yeah, that's probably what just happened...a name mix-up.

"No, no." I try to sound casual. "You mean Ally, right?"

Bob furrows his brow again, and shakes his head. "No...I'm pretty sure it's you." He laughs awkwardly, but still looks a little apprehensive.

Oh, shit. It's not a name mix-up. It's real. It's fucking real!

" stared at her for ages before...not me...Ally!" I protest in a hiss.

"Well, yeah, granted. I did stare at her because she was so striking. She is a nice girl, and she's real pretty. But she's not as striking, nice and pretty as you, Sunny."

I can't let him like me! I can't! Bob's meant to like Ally, not me! The only person I want to feel that way about me is Gee...and it seems he does, which makes my heart swell with pride just thinking about it. But I seriously have to persuade Bob to stop having a crush on me! As flattered as I am to have a great guy like him liking me, I don't want him to. My heart belongs to Gerard, and I don't want Bob to get hurt. See, I know how hard it is when how you feel about a person is unrequited. So how do I get him to transfer his feelings to Ally? It'll be an easier process though, I know that, because he doesn't love me. It's just a God, I hope it's just a crush!

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