Chapter 10

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My eyes were still closed, but I was certainly conscious enough to feel Harry's hand traveling up and down the back of my shirt, over my ass in my small shorts, and around the curve just under the hem of them as he squeezed my inner thigh.

"Stop," I mumbled hoarsely into the pillow, lazily kicking my legs as I crossed my arms on the mattress.

"Oh good, you're awake," Harry croaked out just the same, leaving my shirt bunched up so he could press a kiss to the dimples at the bottom of my spine.

My smile grew as he suddenly shifted to straddle my lower back so he could drive his hands back up under my shirt and massage my shoulders with a harsh knead, the way I loved. I shouldn't have made that sound of comfort and approval, but I did and he ate it right up.

"Does that feel good?" He spoke closer to my ear before his lips landed on my neck, and my hum turned into another laugh when he pressed a little too hard.

As I adjusted my cheek on the pillow, he slid is hands down to the smallest part of my waist, cursing under his breath as he got to my ass again. I internally rolled my eyes when he took it in both hands and squeezed, forcing my shorts to ride up so he could see more of it.

I was so annoyingly conflicted when on one hand, I didn't even remotely want him to stop touching me. On the other, it wasn't okay for him to be in my bed like this when I'm supposed to be shutting him out physically. I made that rule, and I was the one breaking it now.

"Christ, I really did a number on you," he laughed, and I winced with a sharp breath when he smoothed his thumb over a spot where one of his rings had pinched my skin.

"Ow, Harry," I whimpered and instinctively pushed his hand away.

"'M sorry, baby," he bent over to kiss the mark, slowly dragging his lips back up my spine until I started to turn underneath him. He only lifted up enough to let me do so, but remained on top of me.

"There's that pretty face," he chuckled as I squinted at him with one eye open, then smiled lazily as he pushed my shirt up just under my breasts.

Even if we weren't having sex, I couldn't tell you how much I loved it when he touched me like this. When it was early morning, and the sun was streaming in over the bed, when I could hear his hands brushing over my skin, when he massaged me and looked at my body with that kind of tired lust in his hazy green eyes.

"Nora is gonna be up any minute, Harry," I whispered, but said and did nothing else to protest as he leaned over me to graze the tip of his nose with mine.

In fact, it was me who strained my neck to kiss him, pulling him down to the pillow with my hand splayed out on the back of his head. He warmed me up with just a few slow kisses before he introduced his tongue as he tilted his head far to the right, simultaneously reaching down to slide his hand under my shorts.

My moan sounded desperate as he rested his forehead against mine, lazily rubbing my clit with two fingers as I tried raising my hips up underneath him. "Feels good."

"I know it does," he smiled. "I always make you feel good, Grace. You know that."

"Mm," I wet my lips before they parted as a result of him dipping his fingers inside of me. "Except for when you're on a spanking rampage. You took it too far."

His laugh was genuine as nodded like that was true, still slowly curling his fingers against my G spot. "You were being a bad girl."

"No, I wasn't," I smiled with my eyes closed. "You just love my ass."

"Yeah, I won't argue with–"

"Mommy! I'm ready!"

I gasped over Harry's mouth and pulled at his wrist until he took his hand back. He barely fell to the side when Nora came bursting into the room in her chosen outfit for the day. She had her hands on her hips, so proud of herself even though her hair was a mess.

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