Chapter 30

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I knew that John was eager to be independent since he got out of rehab, but I really didn't think he would find himself an apartment so soon. Then again, I knew Harry helped him out a lot in that department. As much as they did start to get along, I think he was just as ready to have our house back to just being filled with himself, Nora, and me. Still, it was surprisingly a hard day for me.

"Are you sure you like it here?" I asked for what had to be the millionth time.

"Yes, Grace," he laughed as we watched Nora bounce on his bed.

"Yeah, but," I glanced around the space. "Are you sure you just want a studio?"

"It's all I need," he shrugged. "I've got a bathroom, a kitchen area, plenty of space for my bed, and a closet. I like it."

I looked to Harry as if he might be willing to help me convince John that this wasn't a good idea. "But is this even the best neighborhood–"

"Baby," Harry shook his head. "It's fine."

My pout quickly transformed into a pout as I scoffed and placed my hand on my growing belly. "Thanks for nothing."

"I really like it here, Grace," my dad assured me. "You have nothing to worry about, I swear. If I didn't think I was ready, I wouldn't have tried to find a place."

I nodded and kept nodding as if I were trying to convince myself that he was right. "I mean, it could definitely be worse, so."

"I have lived in worse," he chuckled. "We both have."

"Yeah," I muttered as I recalled when our old apartment was at its worst. At least he was on Sunset Boulevard now and not back in the most dangerous part of Compton. " you need anything? The fridge is stocked so you should be good for at least a couple of weeks, if not the whole month, and there's a Safeway just down the street. Liam can take you to go get your groceries anytime you want."

Harry laughed at that, probably resisting the urge to remind me that he was the boss of Liam, not me. "You're acting like he's a five-year-old, babe. He's fine."

"I really am fine," John echoed. "I know I've been saying this nonstop since rehab, but I can't thank you both enough for everything you've done for me. And Grace...I just wanna say thank you for giving me a second chance. I don't think I really deserve to know Nora or anything about your life, but I'm happy that I do anyway."

It felt like we were dropping him off at the rehab center all over again as I feel my eyes fill with the most pathetic tears. I could blame the pregnancy hormones, but I had a feeling I would be emotional either way.

"We're just a phone call away still," I reached up to hug him. "And Nora and I are going to come to see you more often than we did in rehab, I promise."

"Okay," he rubbed my back. "I'll hold you to it."

Sniffling twice, I pulled back and cleared my throat as I gestured for Nora to come and say goodbye to him. I smiled through my tears just watching John get down on his knees to hug her and see her stand on her toes to wrap her little arms around his neck.

"Love you, Granddad," she said in her sweetest tone.

He laughed and smoothed her hair down. "Love you too, kid."

"Alright, angel," Harry stepped in to sweep Nora off her feet like it was as easy as lifting a feather from the ground. "Good luck, John. Let us know if you need anything."

"Will do," he nodded. "Thank you."

After I gave him one last hug, I followed Harry and Nora out to walk down the stairs and to the parking lot. Ironically enough, the complex sort of had a very similar layout to the Compton apartment, but it was kept up nicer and so far none of the neighbors had seemed like actual crack addicts. It was a good place for a single man his age to be living.

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