Chapter 21

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"Grace, I really don't know how I feel about this," Harry followed me around the kitchen as I cleaned up after breakfast. "She's only five years old, she doesn't understand."

"Exactly," I huffed as I set the milk in the refrigerator and closed the door with my hip. "As far as she knows, she's just going to meet her granddad."

"Yeah, her granddad who's also going through withdrawal and is probably not in the best place mentally or physically right now. He's gonna scare the shit out of her."

I rolled my eyes as I passed him, gathering my hair to put up in a high ponytail. "You don't think I thought about that already?"

"And?" He scoffed. "You still think it's a good idea?"

"I already called and spoke to Sarah to ask her if it would be okay to bring his granddaughter to meet him for the first time, or if I should wait. She said that he's doing very well, and the withdrawal process has been going smoothly. They give him these special pills to keep it from getting too intense or something, I don't know, but she said it was fine."

Harry shook his head at me as he leaned against the counter. "I don't think it's a good idea."

"Well, you know what I think?" I shut the cereal in the pantry and turned to make my way over to him, snaking my arms around his waist as he stood with his hands low on his hips.

He all but scowled down at me. "What?"

"I think that I promised him I would do this, and I think you should trust me that I wouldn't do anything to put Nora in danger, and I think your hair looks really good today, and I think I would like to have sex with you tonight so we can make a baby together. That's what I think."

Harry started smiling around the time that I switched subjects and mentioned his hair, but he was trying to fight it. "You're a piece of work, y'know that?"

"Mhm," I smiled against his mouth before he kissed me. "I'll see you later, Daddy."

To that, he rolled his eyes as he followed me and Nora out the door to the car. In one arm she held Teddy, and in her free hand, she had a picture she drew of herself and Teddy together for John to hang up in his room. I thought it would be a nice addition to the otherwise plain walls.

"Bye, Daddy," Nora reached for him in her car seat.

"Bye, princess," he pecked her lips and walked around to talk to me through my open window as I started the engine. "I won't be home until later, but call me if you need me. I'll have my phone on."

"Okay, sounds good," I shifted the car into reverse, but Harry stayed with his arms folded on the window.

"Kiss me," he said, smirking at the way my lips immediately parted from the low and subtly demanding tone he used.

I complied, feeling him hum before he pulled away with a soft smacking sound. He said he loved me, but I was too taken aback to answer, and he was already walking away from me before I had the chance. Nora asked me why I was just watching him walk inside like that, and I explained to her what it meant to have a crush on someone.

Yesterday, when I was putting Nora to bed, I sort of also explained what a grandparent was when she had never really heard of it before. She understood the concept well enough, but I fucked myself when she then asked me who my "mommy" was. I told her my mom was in another place, which is what I would have said if she were dead. Like she was supposed to be.

Harry said he was making new leads on her, but her location had yet to be confirmed completely by anyone. Still, he was sending Liam to Skid Row almost every single night to look, and that comforted me enough.

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