Chapter 17

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"Which do you think?" I held two dresses up to show Maria. "Red or black?"

She stopped making my bed to give me her attention, but she hardly paid any mind to either dress. "Does Mr. Styles know that you're going to Mr. James' apartment tonight?"

I gave her a deadpanned look. "Red or black?"

Somewhat disappointed, I'm sure, she sighed and gestured to the red. Nora came running in just as I peeled off my robe to step into the dress, slipping it up my hips until the thin straps were resting on my shoulders. Maria zipped me up, and Nora helped me pick out which pair of black heels I should wear.

That was around the time I heard footsteps down the hall, which belonged to Harry. He stopped to lean against the doorway, folding his arms over his chest. To answer Maria's question, yes, he did know that I was going over to Nick's tonight. We hadn't seen much of each other at all since the baseball game, and I was determined to give him all my attention tonight.

"Okay, Miss Nora, let's go downstairs," Maria shooed her out of the room, giving me a warning glance on her way out as Harry kept his gaze fixed on mine.

He had been all over the place with his emotions and affection toward me these days, so I wasn't sure if he was about to kiss me on the cheek and tell me to have a nice time, or threaten my life if I didn't agree to stay home with him.

"Where are you off to?" He asked, slowly taking in my dress.

"Don't do that," I stepped into my pumps and wiggled my feet in until the backs sat comfortably snug at my ankles.

"Don't do what?"

"You know where I'm off to, don't play dumb," I crossed the room to get to my jewelry box, opting for a very simple and dainty gold chain to go around my neck.

Harry followed me right over to take the necklace from me, and I was about to protest before he mumbled for me to hold my hair up and out of the way for him. This was it, I thought. He was going to strangle me, and that'd be the end of it.

But he did not, in fact, strangle me. He simply attached the clasp to let the chain fall and contort to my collarbones. And then his hands came to my waist in the fitted red fabric. And then he gently pulled me back until our bodies were flush together, staring back at me in the reflection of the mirror. And then he started to smirk.

I'd like to think I was successful at keeping my racing heart a secret, but oh my God, all I wanted was for him to lift my dress up over my hips and take all of his work frustrations out on me. I wanted to watch him through the mirror as he'd throw his head back, and I wanted to watch him look down to see himself completely pounding me.

All those thoughts came from one, single, goddamn smirk.

"Are you gonna have sex with him?" He asked, and I couldn't believe that he did.

"What?" I almost stuttered, being ripped out of my fantasy.

"With Nick," he clarified. "Are you going to have sex with him?"

I blinked back at him through the mirror like he was insane, which was a fairly easy look to give him–one I had plenty of practice in. "Why are you asking me that?"

"Why aren't you answering the question?"

My lips parted in shock still, but the truth was that I had no idea if I was going to have sex with Nick tonight. I'd like to...or at least, I thought that I would like to. I liked the idea of having sex with him, and I was curious to see what he was like in bed. We had been talking enough that I thought it was about time, but I wouldn't know until I could read his energy.

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