Chapter 39

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Rather than waking up to a screaming baby from my phone on the nightstand, it was Harry's hand sliding up my back under my silk tank top. Normally that would be a dream come true, but it was the lack of crying that sent me into a panic.

I gasped as I lifted my head from the pillow, unable to open my eyes just yet. "What time is it?" I croaked out.

Harry laughed from behind me. "It's 6:30, and she's still sleeping. I just went and checked on her."

My cheek landed back on the pillow as I exhaled, feeling my heart thump against the mattress. "Oh. Are you sure?"

"Mhm," he moved closer to me to kiss the spot between my shoulder blades, "but since you're up, I have an idea."

"No, Harry," I whined in a hoarse voice. "If she's still sleeping, I want to still be sleeping. No sex. I mean it."

"It's not that," he continued his trail of kisses up my back. "I think we should take a trip, just the two of us."

My eyes remained closed as I adjusted my head down on my pillow. "When?"

"Today, until tomorrow night."

I huffed out a laugh as a first reaction. There was no way that was happening. "Okay, and where exactly will we go? And who exactly is watching our children? I'm not asking Maria to come after she just spent almost two consecutive weeks with us. I told her she could have this weekend off, plus Monday."

"To Mexico, and I already asked Niall and Sage. They agreed to come over and spend the night with the kids, and before you argue, you know how much Nora loves Niall, and how obsessed Sage is with Gemma. They want to."

"Mexico, Harry?" I scoffed. "We can't just go to Mexico for the weekend like we would if we didn't have any responsibilities."

Getting impatient now, he forced me to roll onto my back so I could look at him. "Look. I haven't seen you in two weeks, Nora goes back to school on Monday, and I'm pretty sure the last time we were completely alone was when I fucked you senseless in Malibu last year. I already booked the villa. We're going, so get over it."

Blinking tiredly up at him, I started to smile until I laughed. "Are you threatening me?"

"Yes," he leaned over to peck my lips. "Now get your tight ass out of bed and start packing before my baby starts crying."

"Oh, she's your baby now?"

Harry smirked as he climbed out of bed and yanked the sheets from me, exposing my own summer-tanned legs with just my underwear on. "She was always my baby, darling."

I rolled my eyes before rubbing them and getting out a good yawn. Most women, I think, would be elated for their partner to take them on a spontaneous trip to Mexico and get them away from the kids for two days. It's not that I wasn't excited, but I didn't hate my kids the way the women around here do and jump at every opportunity to leave them with someone else.

Either way, I did get out of bed and complete a very quick skimmed-down version of my morning routine, but before I could begin packing, Gemma started crying for her morning feed like the little vampire she was.

I couldn't even be bothered to put pants on yet as I dragged my feet into her room and picked her up out of her crib. "I know, I know," I groaned with her as I lazily pulled my top down and brought her over to the recliner.

While she ate, I held my head in my hands and tried to catch up on the rest of the sleep I missed last night. In theory, fucking Harry until 2 AM sounded great, but then we only slept for another hour before Gemma woke up from three to four. Apparently, we only got three hours after that.

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