Chapter 3 - Grian

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Mumbo walked off from the group, they had just gotten to the new world and were going to need food. He saw cows nearby and quickly sprinted over to them, punching them until they disappeared in a plume of xp, leaving raw beef behind.

After collecting enough food to last the rest of the hermits at least a day or two, he walked back over to the camp which was far more developed than he thought it would be in the few minutes he had taken to kill a few cows.

"Uhm, guy's..." Cleo, a ginger zombie-human hybrid called them over, looking at what appeared to be an unconscious human sprawled at her feet.

Upon closer inspection the mysterious person had a set of large purple wings on his back, the defining characteristics of an avian hybrid. The mysterious avian was surprisingly handsome. He wore a red jumper and his almost platinum blonde hair curled neatly around his face. Faded burn marks scared his face across his eyes. He looked as if he was peacefully sleeping, his wings twitching as if he was flying in his dream.

"Back up everyone, give him space for when he wakes up." Xisuma ordered before bending down and shaking the avian. As if by magic the avian jolted up, whacking X with his wing in the process.

"Who are you! How'd you get here!" The avian fluffed up his wings defensively, clearly shocked to see the people surrounding him. His piercing purple eyes sent shivers down Mumbo's spine, clearly unnerving a few of the hermits around him as they took a step back.

"Whoa there, we aren't here to hurt you," Mumbo calmed the avian, slowly moving towards him. "I'm Mumbo, that helmeted fellow is Xisuma, our admin, and the zombie who found you is Cleo. We're hermits from Hermitcraft." He introduced a few of the hermits around him. "What's your name?"

"̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ." He mumbled something under his breath in a language that Mumbo could not understand.

"I'm sorry mate, I couldn't quite catch that."

"Grian." He cleared his throat, looking down at his feet before folding his wings neatly on his back.

"You're an avian, right?" Someone from behind him asked. "I've never seen one in person before."

Confusion briefly flashed in the Grian's eyes, "er, yes?" He answered, sounding more like a question than a statement. He shuffled his feet uncomfortably as Xisuma stepped forward.

"Do you mind if we stay here for the time being? I need to regenerate my power before I can make another portal out of here." The admin explained.

"I don't mind." The sun was starting to set and they would need somewhere to rest before the hermits could leave.

"Great!" Xisuma exclaimed, shooing the rest of the hermits towards the camp that had been set up previously. They all went to bed and left Grian alone in the majestic glow of the sunset behind him.

Dear Reader,

I wrote this chapter on 4 hours of sleep, yes I wake up at 8 even in the middle of Summer. I've finally gotten close to my word goal per chapter, and the hermits have finally met Grian! The story should start picking up speed but it may still be slow until the action starts.

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

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