Chapter 14 - Missing

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WC : 377

Stress wasn't at the emergency meeting Xisuma had called, she was too busy caring for Pearl, who created a lot of trouble, even sound asleep. She would keep shifting in her dream to be in a less than ideal position for her ribs to heal or would start bleeding through a wound that Stress was sure had already clotted. So, Stress sat there, brewing healing potions and changing the bandages on her challenge patient's ankle.

"Stress," a soft voice called from behind her.

"Yes Pearl?" She responded, just as gently.

"My throat is sore but I'm out of water. If you're not busy do you mind getting me some more?"

"Of course I can," She grabbed the cup and walked out of the tent towards the lake.


"Hey Pearl!" Grian walked into the tent, his eyes darting around the room. It was the morning after he had called an emergency meeting and the hermits were already in alert mode, brewing potions and enchanting armor. He was going to ask Stress if Pearl was okay to move to a safe area but hadn't been able to find the brunette hermit anywhere.

"Hi Grian! If you're looking for Stress I have no clue where she is!" Pearl's chirpy voice replied. "I asked her a little while earlier for some water but she never returned. I just assumed she got busy and would be back later!" Pearl pouted, furrowing her brows.

"Oh, that's okay. I'll get you some water, maybe I'll run into her on the way." He quickly grabbed an extra cup from where Stress showed him and went to get some water.

Coming down the hill towards the lake he could already tell something was off, there was a slight charge in the air as if magic had been used not too long ago. "Stress?" He called, now extremely worried for the kindhearted hermit.

As soon as he got to the lake he saw exactly what was off. A purple mark stained the grass, the tingle of magic shook him to the core. A haunting lack of life wherever the watcher magic touched. "Stress!" He called out, desperately this time.

"Grian? What's wrong?" Xisuma asked from behind him, making Grian jump. "Oh," he whispered, having noticed the traces of magic.

"I think- I think Stress has been taken." 

Dear Reader,

Don't freak out, I promise not to kill our very lovable hermits. Scout's honor :).

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

Ps. I dealt with the bug... I think.

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