Chapter 10 - An Escape

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She ran through the hallway of the keep, every step sent pain shooting through her ankle which she had sprained just before. She had been studying this place for months. Every time they moved her, she made a mental map of the paths. She came upon a room full of different portals, ducking inside and punching a set of coordinates into the control table in front of her. A small portal overgrown with ivy appeared in front of her. 'It's now or never,' she closed her eyes and stepped into  the portal. Footsteps rung down the hallway, stopping just as they saw her disappear through the portal. 

"Find where she went!" A voice boomed through the doorway.

"Right away sir!"


Grian stepped back into the camp just as a portal appeared, a small figure stumbling out of it and crashing onto the ground. He ran towards her and saw that she was bleeding out of several wounds, her ankle twisted at an odd angle, and her face was so swollen that it looked unrecognizable. "Xisuma, get some health potions!" He called towards the admin, kneeling down next to the strange woman.


"Boss! We found where she went but you're not going to believe who else we found."

Dear Reader,

I apologize for the short chapter but I promise you it will be worth it in the end. 

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

Ps. Good luck trying to guess who this new encounter is. 

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