Chapter 13 - Emergency Meeting

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WC : 321

Grian was dreaming, he knew he was, but it didn't make it any less real. Two figures stood towering over him, their wings twice the size of his. Panic engulfed his entire body, they didn't seem to see him but he could see and hear them as they talked about some random world.

"We'll get him back sir, we know where he's hiding. We've had our fun causing minor inconveniences, now it's time to really cause some chaos."

'Wait,' he thought to himself, 'that isn't some random world they're talking about! It's Evo!'


Xisuma had been abruptly woken up by Grian mere moments before, the ex-watcher had been obviously scared when he had shook him awake, demanding that he called all of the hermits together. As he stood there, barely awake himself, he watched as his fellow hermits clumsily stumbled over.

"I'm so sorry for waking you all up," Grian apologized, still sounding a bit panicked. "All of us are in a huge amount of trouble, powerful entities are coming here. Watchers are coming to destroy us all," He started shaking violently as the hermits around him gasped, the older ones explaining to the younger hermits what a watcher was.

"How can we trust you!?!" Doc yelled from somewhere in the crowd.

"Of course you can trust him, just look at how scared he is!" Mumbo replied, matching Doc's tone.

"Doc, I trust Grian. If he says something's coming, we should take him seriously." Xisuma informed his friend sternly.

"That doesn't mean I have to trust him! How does he even know what a watcher is?" Doc shot back, "He's been suspicious since we got here!"


"Xisuma, It's okay," Grian whispered. "Doc, if you need to know, I will tell you." His head held high he retold his story to the entirety of hermitcraft. Every loss, every pain, every moment between the watcher's first appearance till the hermit's arrival

Dear Reader,

I'm feeling much better now, thus I've written a whole new chapter and started another.

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

Ps. I'm currently being terrorized by some random bug... send help.

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