Chapter Eleven: O Students Where Titan Thou

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24 hours ago.......

"Why the ostracization and bullying, why the insults, why everything. Here in the Demon Realm, being myself has earned me friends who care about me and will always have my back, being myself has given me a found family who stick together in the most impossible of situations no matter what, being myself has given me a girlfriend who is now my wife, she loves me for who I am, even with all my flaws and quirks, nothing changes.

You could learn a lot from the Witches, Demons and Titan of this world, I mean, I have and look where it has taken me, had I stayed in the Human Realm, I would be dead, and not from some horrific accident, but from all your toxicity and bullying, it would have driven me to a point where suicide was the only way to take away the pain."

This was an absolute shock amongst the student body. Luz finally got that out of her system, but now, does she feel like helping them get home, well absolutely, but it's now not because she is doing out for kindness (well for Camila and Vee), but really Luz wants them out of this world, once a portal is established, they are to never set foot back here ever again.

As Luz left the room, silence filled the air, the students exchanged glances, did that just happen, one student said.

I'm not sure, but she definitely meant it, all that rage from us bullying her, she had years of it stored up in there, and lashed out at us, and it seems, based on her reaction, she isn't going to help us get back home, Wynter said.

Oh great, just because Luz got angry at the stuff we did to her, she's not going help us get home, Amber said.

Are you out of your mind, the way she lashed out at us, it seems certain that we are on our own on getting a portal back home, another student said.

Well good for us, we can prove to Luz that we are just as capable of surviving on our own in this world without her help, Amber stated.

Your seriously going to doubt the only person we know here who has years of living experience here, Wynter said.

I mean how hard can it be living in The Demon Realm, Luz was able to do it, so we can aswell, so first thing tomorrow is that we all set out to find a way back home, Amber demanded.

Who made you leader of all of us here, Bethany asked

You really want to question my authority, Besides it took Luz 6 years to even make contact with our world, like how pathetic is that, I'm pretty sure we can find a way back in a fraction of the time it took her, Amber stated.

So does anyone else question my Authority, Amber asked.

Not at all.



Good, now we should get some sleep and first thing tomorrow we set out into the forest to find something to get back home, got that, Amber said.

Just then Vee and her posse entered the room, they all exchanged looks at one another, and just went to sleep, luckily, Vee and her friends didn't hear about their plan.

As the students settled in for the night, Amber's words kept echoing in Wynter's mind. She knew they couldn't survive on their own in the Demon Realm, especially without Luz's help. They were still trying to process the fact that they were trapped in a different world and Amber's plan to find a way back seemed rushed and illogical.

Morning came about in the Demon Realm, Wynter was the only one awake, mainly because she was still voicing her concerns about Amber's plan, The other students were still asleep, so she decided to walk about the castle. As she stepped outside into the hallways, she stumbled into Vee, who was surprised that Wynter was awake.

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