Once In Love with Amy

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Once In Love With Amy.

"What, don't you guys watch NYPD blue?"

"KRISTEN, PLEASE!" Eric was basically on his knees in the middle of the hallway, a welting rose in his hands. Jason and Beckett observed from their lockers, watching with second hand embarrassment as the red-headed girl before Eric stepped back in disgust.

"No way, Matthews! You didn't call me back, we're done." That's it?! That's why she's mad?

Beckett turned to Jason, "Listen, I'm no Eric Matthews fan myself, but c'mon, maybe he was doing homework!"

Jason scoffed, "Oh, you poor, naïve soul. Do you really think Eric was doing homework?"

Beckett shifted off the locker, now unsure of herself, "No?"


Eric was throwing the roses away when the duo caught up to him, a glum look on his face. Beckett didn't really understand his sadness, considering it was his fifth girlfriend of the month. She was surprised people still took a chance on him at this point.

"Aw cheer up, Matthews! There's snot dribbling out of your nose." Beckett teased, opening up her chocolate chip granola bar. He sent her a stern look.

"You wouldn't get it!"

"I rather enjoy being single, thank you very much." The girl scoffed.

"Oh, I didn't realize that was a choice. Sure you didn't scare all the boys off with that unibrow?" He shot back, resulting in a gasp from the girl. She knew she shouldn't have told him about the fact her mother had a unibrow in the eighth grade!

"I don't have a unibrow!"

"Tell that to your mirror." Eric fake shivered, walking in the opposite direction to his locker. Beckett stormed after him, and then Jason, who was looking very afraid.

"You're just mad I couldn't babysit tonight." She clicked her tongue against her teeth.

He paused momentarily, "You could babysit, you just chose not to."

Beckett smirked, "Hey, it's not my fault Judy insisted she did it."

Jason's face morphed into a slight disgust, "Judy? The weird one with all the acne?"

Beckett whipped her head to her friend, "It's not her fault she has acne!"

"Ok fine, you're right," Jason held a hand up in defense, "but, c'mon, you have to admit she's a little.. strange."

"Why's that?" Beckett knew, she just didn't want to admit it.

"She smells people's hair!"

Beckett held back a laugh, "Only Eric's.."

The boy in question turned and his eyes went wide, "What?!"

"She asked if she could cover tonight so she could get a chance at seeing you," Beckett jutted out her bottom lip, making her eyes wide and innocent, "Her little baby boo Eric."

"Ew!" Eric groaned, "that's evil, Beckett, really."

"It's what I'm good at!"

"Well lucky for me, she cancelled this morning so I'm stuck babysitting the weasel." He sighed. He cast a sad look into the distance, sighing again, heavier. Like he was waiting for Beckett to change her mind.

"That sounds like a you problem." She smiled happily, "See you in geometry!"


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