Career Day

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Career Day.

"Why can't we just come with you?"

IF YOU HAD TOLD BECKETT she would walk down the hallway of her high school and see her father that day, she would have never have showed up.

It was a normal Wednesday, like any other. Her and her odd little trio were at lunch, Eric freaking out about the SATs while Jason and her were watching silently as his world burned down around him.

"Y'know," Eric started, "This SAT prep course seems to be working. It's got me completely focused and prepared.."

"It'll do that." Beckett agreed.

"It's like I'm in the SAT zone! All my other senses have completely shut down." He said, right as he accidentally knocked the steaming hot bowl of soup from his tray onto his lap. But he didn't even seem to notice as he continued ripping his bread in half.

Jason and Beck exchanged a look, both either too scared to say anything, or maybe too shocked. The dynamic between them felt like it would never improve, and the girl didn't feel like she could even call them a couple anymore.

It was the strangest open ended question of her life, but she somehow, hardly felt like she didn't have the time to address it. Maybe after the SATs?

Beck gave Jason a head nod to make him break the news to Eric, which lead to a heavy sigh.

"Eric?" Jason asked.


"You just spilled soup on your lap." Yes, this was a real conversation.

"What?" Eric asked in confusion. Beck pointed to his lap, making the boy realize and scream in pain.

Beck laughed, "You're gonna need all the help you can get."

Before they could continue their banter, Beckett finally heard it. The rough, gravelly voice that could only belong to one man.

Chet Hunter.

She slowly turned in her seat with wide eyes, finding her father arguing with Mr. Feeny in the corner.

"Is that..?" Jason started, but Beckett held up a hand.

"Don't tell me you see him too."

Okay, that talk with Jason would have to wait even longer, it seemed.

"You're not George Feeny!" Mr. Feeny was yelling, meaning her father was already trying to impersonate people. Just great.

Beck ran up to the pair just as her brother did. The younger boy said, "Mr. Feeny I can explain."

"You better." Beckett whispered through her teeth and elbowed him.

"Go ahead."

"Please do."

Chet and Mr. Feeny said in unison.

"Uh, you're Feeny too?" Chet asked nervously.

"I'm Feeny one."

"Mr. Feeny," Beckett decided to take charge of the situation, "This is our dad."

Chet gave a cheesy smile and stuck his hand out, to which Mr. Feeny begrudgingly took.

"We're very, uh.. very proud of your children." Mr. Feeny said, still recovering from the attempted identity theft. Beck smiled.

"I'm surprise to hear you say that." Chet frowned.

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