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Ran was in his office, rubbing his temple. He was getting a migraine from all this paperwork compiling on his desk.

Earlier he received a manila folder from koko with a bunch documents inside that he needed to review. Then he had to return all those calls from important men in Europe and America.

Honestly, he didn't understand why there was so much work. He preferred to stay at home with his lovely wife and tease the hell out of of her instead of sitting in an office for ten hours doing nothing but paperwork.

Okay that was partially a lie, he doesn't sit at the office all the time considering there are missions he and the other executives have to handle and meetings to attend to.

He felt his phone vibrate within his pocket and dug it out, checking the screen. It was a message from his wife. Opening it up, he read through it.

'before you come home can you get me some more heating pads and chocolate?'

Furrowing his brows, he checked his calendar and widened his eyes. His wife was on her period. Yes, he does keep a track of her cycle so that when she calls or messages him for requests like that, he knows what he has to do. He texted her back, promising to get her the items.

The door to his office opened and both rindou and sanzu waltzed in, "c'mon, we got a mission to do." The pinkette grinned, popping a pill in his mouth.

Ran grinned back, pushing himself out of his seat and following the two out the door. Time for some action!

The three of them took a van to building where a rival mafia was. The plan was to kill off the leader and his men and take control of their territory and merchandise.

According to koko, they were recently involved in a heist and took a lot of cash money and other antique valuables that are worth millions and could be sold on the black market or auction house.

Fixing his earpiece, Ran glanced at the others, "so we wait for mikey and the others to come afterwards?"

Sanzu nodded, eyeing his katana, "yeah."

Unloading his gun, the older haitani popped bullets inside till it was full before doing the same to his spare machine gun. It was better to be prepared and not underestimate how much manpower the enemy has. Ran slipped on his black gloves, stretching his fingers out.

He glanced at rindou, who nodded back. The three of them braced themselves against the building. Five seconds passed and sanzu slammed the door open, tossing a mini smoke bomb inside for cover before they went in.

Instantly they were ambushed. Gunshots and glass shattering were heard as the bullets cut through anything.

Ran fired his gun at a group of men ahead of him before taking cover behind a wall and peering around the corner. He ducked his head in time when the enemy fired a bullet at him. He shot out from his position as he walked through the halls, shooting his gun till all the rounds were finished and he had to switch to another gun.

rindou and sanzu were somewhere else in the building taking out the remaining enemies so he was by himself.

He pressed a hand to his ear where his earpiece was, "rindou, sanzu, level one is clear." He informed them, checking door to door and making sure no one was hiding or breathing alive.

"copy." rindou's voice was heard through the earpiece. "I don't think the boss is in my area, only a bunch of idiots."

Ran climbed up the stairs to meet up with his brother, who was leaning against the wall with a cigarette in his mouth, "bout time." The older haitani grinned at him.

The two brothers went to where sanzu was, which was the basement. Entering inside, they found blood splattered all over the room and even on the walls. The pinkette wiped his blade.

"where's the leader?" Rindou asked, hand on his hip.

Sanzu grinned sadistically, pointing the tip of his katana at a dead male slumped by his feet, "right here." He clicked his tongue, "troublesome little shit he was."

Soon after, mikey and the others arrives at the scene. Kakucho was making some phone calls to some of the workers to bring a truck so they can load up all the merchandise and put it in their warehouse.

Once the job was done and Mochi took care of the cleanup, everyone returned back to base except for Ran, who was driving to the pharmacy.

He was browsing through the aisles, in his hand was a couple of heat packs and his wife's favorite chocolates. His purple hues were scanning the many selections of pads before picking up the brand (y/n) uses—he decided to buy an extra in case—along with a tylenol.

He needed to be prepared. After he paid for the items, he drove home. It was almost close to evening. Entering the house, he walked into the living room where his wife was sitting on the couch in her silk pajamas with the tv on, she was watching cartoons.

"babe, I'm home." He approached her with the bag of items, sitting beside her on the couch.

She turned to him with a smile, "already? Don't you still have work?" He shook his head.

"I told mikey I'll be leaving soon because you weren't feeling well and he let me." Ran told her, taking out everything from the bag, "i got you your favorite chocolates and the heat packs, oh, and i also picked up a few more things in case we run out." He told her.

(y/n) smiled gratefully at him, "thank you, ran." She kissed his cheek, opening the box of chocolates and chewing on them.

Ran placed the heat pack on her tummy, before bringing her into his arms. She likes cuddles. His blazer was discarded so he was in his white button up and purple vest.

(y/n) soon finished the box of chocolates and yawned, feeling tired. She felt so comfy and cozy with Ran's arms around her.

"do you need anything?" He worriedly looked at her, caressing her head with his big hand. She shook her head.

"just being here is enough." His lips curled into a smile.

A/n: enjoy!!!

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