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TW: Suicidal Thoughts.

Ominous. That's what (y/n) was feeling all day. A sickening feeling in her gut told her something was going to happen and she learned to trust her feeling.

Her husband had left for work, so it was just her in the house. She did some chores like cleaning, gardening, laundry, etc.

She was excited for tonight because Ran promised to take her out. He wanted to bring her to a new restaurant that opened up down in Tokyo.

By the time she finished all her chores and did her errands, she was about to head into the kitchen to prepare herself some lunch after coming back from the grocery store, she spotted a manila folder on the dining table and walked towards it, opening it for a peek.

She recognized it as the file he was speaking about all night, he needed to review the contents, sign them and return it to koko. Glancing at the clock, she noticed it was about to be afternoon so she decided to drop by and hand it to Ran.

The driver took her to the building and she entered in the lobby and through the elevator, hitting the top floor. She watched patiently as the numbers of floors increased before stopping at her designated area.

When she exited, she noticed how quiet it was and peered into the other executives office and saw they were empty and assume they were out, which meant Ran was probably with them.

(y/n) decided that she'll just place the folder on his desk and leave. She approached his office and glanced inside, only to freeze in horror.

kagome was shirtless with only her bra on, sitting on Ran's lap as their lips were locked, his hands on her hips while hers were in his hair. moans and groans were heard.

(y/n) couldn't register anything as her hand slipped off the folder, tears clouding her eyes and falling down her cheeks. Her body was numb and everything was muted around her. Her chest hurt. It felt like she couldn't breathe, like she was struggling for air but she wasn't reaching. Is this what it's like to drown? It felt terrible. She felt betrayed, cheated on.

kagome's eyes glanced at her and she smirked in her direction.

Without even realizing it, her feet were taking her somewhere else. She didn't remember leaving the building and pushing past the guards and people around her, her thoughts were on Ran and kagome.

All her insecurities were coming back to her. Every word spat at her from different women pierced her heart. All the judging looks made her finally realize that she wasn't enough for Ran, that she couldn't be enough for him. She wasn't what he wanted no matter what she did.

Why did she stick around if this was going to happen? Why did she let herself get hurt? She wanted no more. She wanted it to stop.

Her hands were on her ears, muffling all the noises in her head that were screaming at her. She didn't want to live anymore. She was worthless. What was the point of living on? She just wanted to die.

She wanted to end all her pain, suffering and depression.

She continued running and running till she ended up in the mountains. A trail was ahead of her, probably a hikers or tourist path. It wasn't uncommon.

Slowing down, her steps were slow and tired. Her face was tired and lifeless and her body felt heavy. She didn't know where to go...what to do anymore. She felt lost.

'Die, die, die.'

'I'm not enough.'

'He cheated on me.'

'I'm ugly.'

'I'm disgusting.'

Feeling her legs weak, she slumped against the ground, crying loudly, her screams of anguish echoing loudly around the forest. Her chest ached with pain, sharply stinging at her very being, hot tears spilled from her eyes as her throat ached terribly, "r-ran...." she cried out, curling up in a ball on the dirt.


Ran was slapped awake, his eyes jolting open. He quickly looked around him seeing his brother and the rest of the executives standing before him.

rindou gave his brother a concerned look, hand on his shoulder as he shook him back to reality, "oi, ran!"

"w-what happened?" The older haitani asked, feeling all woozy and out of it. He couldn't remember what happened to him, his mind was a blur.

sanzu crossed his arms, looking down at him with serious eyes, "you were drugged." The others were watching him silently.

Ran snapped his head to sanzu, sitting up from the couch he was lying on and running a hand through his hair, "drugged? what do you mean?" He asked, wincing when he felt his head throb.

"it means, that bitch of an assistant of yours, kagome, drugged you, which is why you can't remember anything right now and why you're feeling migraines." sanzu explained, frowning.

Before Ran can say anything, rindou grabbed his collar harshly, yanking him up from his seat, "listen the fuck to me, Ran! kagome drugged you so that she can have an opportunity to take advantage of you, what's even worse is that (y/n) saw it all!"

Ran furrowed his brows, a heavy feeling in his chest as he begun to recall what happened. He remembered feeling dizzy and disoriented when he begun drinking his coffee he left on his desk after returning from the bathroom.

His eyes started to widen as he faintly recalled kagome pushing herself onto him and kissing him. He felt her hands roaming his body and he tried to push her off him but he was weak.

He snapped his gaze to rindou and the others, standing up, "how do you know this?" He asked with furrowed brows.

kokonoi then spoke, "the other assistants told us what she was planning when we returned from the break room and that's how we found you unconscious in your chair."

Ran's head began to clear from its foggy state. His heart pounding rapidly in his chest. If it's true what rindou said and that his wife saw everything, he needed to call her immediately to set things right. He can't imagine the pain she must be going through.

mikey and the others watched as he hastily took his phone out and begun dialing (y/n)'s number.


"she's not picking up!" Ran began to panic as he continued to call her but received no answer. He cussed, pacing back and forth in their penthouse.

"try again." rindou demanded.

Ran did as he said but got the same result, voicemail. He called the security guards at his house to see if (y/n) was there but she wasn't. His driver that usually takes her around told him he saw her running from the building and tried to stop her.

"fuck!!" Ran shouted, throwing his phone at the wall and breaking it into small pieces. His face was scrunched up in anguish, pain, anger and worry. His chest heaved up and down, his fists clenching and unclenching with barely concealed anger, he snapped his head to rindou and the others, "where's that bitch?" He scarily demanded, eyes full of murderous intent and craziness.

"sanzu has her locked up in the room. He was waiting for you." kakucho told him, watching as the pinkette went inside one of the rooms and dragged out a struggling and kicking kagome by her hair, who screamed and pleaded with them to let her go.

"she tried to run but we caught up to her." kokonoi told him, hands in his pockets with an unamused look on his face.

sanzu roughly tossed her into the chair, tying her up before she can escape and gagged her mouth so they couldn't hear her annoying screams, "judgement time, baby." He popped a pill in his mouth, grinning madly.

Ran glared at her with intense hatred, his lips curling in disgust as he sneered at her. His purple eyes glinting dangerously. He's going to make her pay.

A/n: hope you like!!!

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