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(y/n) was combing out rindou's hair as he sighed in content, ignoring the glare his brother gave him. He liked being pampered by his sister-in-law even though he was an adult.

He along with mikey and the rest of executives were in the penthouse above the office floor in their hideout.

"honestly, (y/n), you're godsend." Sanzu grinned at her, popping a pill in his mouth. The girl rolled her eyes at them, smiling faintly.

She came to visit Ran to give him his lunch when she decided to cook lunch for the other guys since she felt bad that they were always buying food. So she told her husband to inform the others that she'll be in their penthouse above and to come up when they were done.

It wasn't even five minutes when all of them were piling in the large living room one by one, giving her cheeky smiles or smirks.

"boys." She shook her head at them and continued to cook teriyaki chicken and fried rice along with some steamed vegetables.

While she served her husband and his friends their plates of food, she then proceeded to make dorayaki for mikey, who was sitting on the stool staring at her with a faint sparkle in his eyes as he watched her mix the batter. He always loved her desserts despite his emotionless face.

(y/n) thought of him as a kid despite being a grown adult and often pats mikey's short white hair. He secretly loves it.

Once they finished eating their lunch, they were all relaxing on the sofas, while she was combing rindou's hair, which led to the scene earlier with Ran glaring at him.

"you guys give me too much credit." she waves her hand dismissively at sanzu.

Kakucho smiled gently at her, "still, we appreciate what you do for us despite knowing who we are and what we do." He was grateful.

"oi, that's my wife you're all talking about." Ran frowned in jealousy.

Koko rolled his eyes at the older haitani, "stop being jealous, idiot. We know she's taken. We're just complimenting her." He was scrolling through his phone looking at his bank accounts along with bonten's.

"then stop complimenting her, I don't like it." Ran glared, yanking his wife away and settling her on his lap.

(y/n) sighed at her husband's antics, fiddling with his earring gently, a soft smile on her lips, "oh, Ran, still acting like a little kid, huh?" He narrowed his eyes playfully at her.

"don't make me punish you~." Ran lowly threatened with darkened eyes hidden with lust.

Simultaneously, all the guys, minus mikey, groaned out loud, "my god, please stop! We don't want to know what you do with (y/n) in the bedroom! She's practically our sister!" Rindou loudly said, scrunching his nose in disgust, the others nodded in agreement.

(y/n) buried her face in Ran's chest, hiding her embarrassment as she felt her husband chuckle, "then don't tempt me!" He argued back.

After a bit more laughter and chatter, Ran and the others had to get back to work. The older haitani suggesting she stay back so they can both drive home together.

Since (y/n) was by herself, she decided to put on the tv.

Ran was about to head inside his office, when he felt someone bump into him. Turning around, his eyes fell on kagome and the multitude of papers scattered all over the floor, "sorry, haitani-san!"

Ran irritatedly sighed, kneeling down beside the blonde to help her since he needed those papers anyways. He snatched them up one by one, his hand landed on another one just as kagome's hand fell on top his. He glanced at her, seeing how close her face was to his.

kagome blushed at the closeness and decided to bite her lip sexily, looking down shyly, "s-sorry." She backed away, standing up before he did and flashing her red lace panties subtly.

Ran internally cringed, standing back up and rudely snatching the papers from her, "get back to work." He narrowed his eyes at her, slamming his office door closed.

kagome's eye twitched, she was hoping that was cause some kind of reaction out of him—obviously not the one he had just now. Looks like she needs to up her game.

When night arrived Ran was still in his office doing some work since his dumb assistant forgot to give him half of the other documents he needed to review. Mikey and the others already left along with the assistants, so he was the only one.

Since the office was eerily quiet, he decided to play some music from an online website, putting it on low while he tried to finish up.

He heard his office door open and lifted his head up, spotting his wife peeking her head in, her (e/c) eyes landing on him, "Ran? What are you still doing here? Everybody already left." She walked inside his office.

Ran smiled at tiredly at her, "sorry, baby." He put his pen down, watching as she came around his desk to settle on his lap.

His hands instinctively wrapped around her, pulling her closer.

(y/n) saw how tense her husband was and decided to give him a massage. She put her hands on his shoulders and began moving them in circular motions, getting all the knots out.

Ran groaned in bliss, leaning back against his chair and closing his hands, feeling his body relax at his wife's touch. Only she can make him feel all these emotions.

"That's it...just right there, baby." Ran grunted out, tightening his grip on his wife as she continued to massage him, "fuck." He cussed, sighing in pleasure.

(y/n) blushed, feeling her cheeks hot as she stared at her husband's lewd face while moving her hands on his shoulders.

She stopped, clearing her throat, "feel better?" She asked, getting off him.

Ran moved his head side to side, "oh, yeah." He lazily grinned at her, "i have my lovely wife to take care of me, right?"

She giggled, moving to stand by the large window and staring over the city, its lights illuminating everywhere.

The music on Ran's computer suddenly changed to a much more romantic one. The older haitani glanced at his wife, standing up from his chair, walking closer to her and holding his hand out, "care for a dance?"

(y/n) turned his head, glancing at his hand. A faint smile on her lips as she grasped his hand with her own, "of course."

Ran pulled her closer to him, spinning her into his arms so her back was touching his chest and their arms were intertwined together and hugged her frame from the front, the fingers clasped together.

The couple swayed back and forth, slowly.

The music was the only thing heard in the office as they danced to the romantic beat.

Ran buried his face in his wife's neck, inhaling her scent and sighing in bliss. His lips were grazing her skin, barely touching. His eyes were shut closed as he savored this moment.

Removing one hand from their clasped hands, the back of his knuckles grazed the right side of her face as he caressed her skin.

(y/n) shivered in pleasure, feeling goosebumps form on her skin at his touch. She smiled in peace.

The two continued to dance night away.....

A/n: we are soon gonna get to the good parts. Angsty stuff.

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