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Ran hit the enemy with his baton, watching with sadistic pleasure as the man fell to the floor unconscious, he slammed the metal a few more times on his head before moving onto the next one.

He was on a mission with the rest of the executives. They were at their warehouse accounting for all the merchandise when they were abruptly ambushed hence the fight.

Sanzu cackled loudly, slashing his katana like a mad person while simultaneously shooting his gun. He was insane.

"oi, watch it! You almost shot me!" Koko flinched when a bullet hit the wall beside his head, he glared at the pinkette, who rolled his eyes.

Ran punched a guy in the face, "reminds me of the olden days." He lazily grinned, fixing his black gloves.

Rindou rolled his eyes, he had the enemy in a headlock, the man struggling to breathe before he fell unconscious, "yeah, when you were ass." He faked smile.

Ran eerily smiled at his brother, slamming his baton on the enemy's face. He narrowly avoided a bullet, swinging around to shoot his own gun.

Once the job was done, bodies were lying on the floor all dead and bloody. This time, all of them were doing the cleanup since the body count was a bit high.

Ran leaned against the wall of the warehouse, on his phone. He was messaging his wife to get ready since he was gonna pick her up.

"oi, stop messaging (y/n) and help out!!" Rindou scolded his brother. Ran shot him a look, putting his phone away.

"hey, boss?" The older haitani called out to the short white haired male, who glanced at him, "i'll be leaving early today. I promised (y/n) to take her out today." He says.

mikey stared emotionlessly, "....tell (y/n)-chin to make more dorayaki for me...." he took a bite of the dessert pancake she had made for him three days ago, munching on it.

Ran sweatdropped, "sure."

The older haitani waved his hand to the other guys, his keys jingling in his hand. He got in the driver seat, unbuttoning his white shirt that was stained with blood and took the spare one he kept in his car.

Starting the engine, he drove from the warehouse, heading towards his home. When he arrived, he slowly came to a stop, watching as his wife—who stood patiently out the gates with the security guards—got in the passenger seat, "hey baby." He greeted her with a kiss.

(y/n) smiled at him, "hey, so where are we going?"

Ran lazily grinned, keeping his eyes on the road, "anywhere." She rolled her eyes, giggling.

Ran and (y/n) were walking hand in hand down the street. In her hand was a gelato ice cream, a plastic spoon between her fingers, "here, try some!" She held the utensil out to him.

The older haitani smirked, opening his mouth wide as his wife fed him the italian ice cream, "tasty, you should try a mont blanc, it's my favorite." He told her, holding her hand.

"i know." She smiled at him. She knows everything about him when they used to date before getting married.

Ran led them a boutique that caught his eyes. It was hidden in a small corner street and it wasn't as flashy as all the other high end brands, but the display window had some sexy clothing for women he wanted to see.

Entering inside with his wife, the older haitani widened his eyes at the sexy lingerie, sex toys, and short dresses on display. He smirked, picking up a dildo, "I'm been wanting to use this on you."

(y/n) blushed heavily at the sex toy, snatching it out of his hand and putting it back, "pervert...!" He chuckled.

Ran held up a sexy maroon colored lingerie with garter straps, "wear this for me." He demanded, giving her bedroom eyes.

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