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Eden was devastated when her previous school had been shut down by the foolish ministry, outraged even, she had learnt so much from that school that could be used for great things. Her mother, Rosaline march had worked so hard to get her into that school, seeing as it a prestigious school for aspiring witches and wizards in France. Bantaunce school for witches and wizards was the school that held future ministers and aurours, men and women who were destined for the dark and cruel, they taught dark magic and unforgivable magic, magic that the ministry wouldnt approve of. which they didnt, which is why Eden was now moving all the way to Scotland to attend the next best thing...Hogwarts.

she had her trunk floating by her as she walked down the small corridors, holding many students eating and reading. some playing wizard chess, others practicing some practical magic.

she noticed most of the cabins were full, until she saw a girl with wild hair sitting by herself. Eden realized she wasnt going to find anything she knocked on sliding door and popped her head in.

"yes?" the women sitting in the cabin called looking up, she had dark brown eyes, with a familiar crazed look in them, one Eden saw every morning when she looked in the mirror.

"everywhere else is full, may i sit?" she said, looking back as someone scooted past her and into the cabin, it was a brunette women with her hair pinned up in a beautiful up-do.

"yes, please join us" the brunette smiled, patting a seat next to her. Eden smiled and walked in, flicking her hand, her trunks flung up to the empty space in the over head compartments.

"im Andromeda" the brunette said holding her hand out for Eden to shake, to which she did.

"Eden" she replied taking her seat, her eyes flicked to the girl with black hair before speaking "and you are?" she asked politely

"bellatrix" was the only word she spoke, zoning out as she looked out the window.

"like the star" i muttered to myself.

"ive never seen you before, are you new?" andromeda asked turning her body towards me, letting our knees touch. Her skin was warm, and her tan skin clashed against my pale almost porcelain skin.

"yes, ive just transferred from Bantaunce, in France" i clarified.

i could see from the corner of my eye, Bellatrix's face snap back from the window and turn her full attention to me.

"you mean the school that shut down due to use of ungodly magic?" she whispered, her eyes wide. i had to refrain myself from smirking. and just answered her question with a small nod.

the girls smile grew, almost turning sadistic.

she was about to say something before the sliding door opened to see a small blonde, carrying a book close to her chest, i turn to look at andromeda, her face growing from weary to cheerful.

"hello Narcissa" she smiled as the blonde sat next to bellatrix.

"hey Andy" she waved, finally releasing her clutch from the book.

"cissy this is eden, shes new" andromeda introduced us.

"hello" i smiled sweetly, growing sick of this false sweetness i had to portray.

"what year are you in" the younger girl said.

"7th i believe" i queried, turning to andromeda as she gasped. clutching my hands in hers.

"you and bella are in the same year, oh this ought to be fun" she gushed.

i laughed.

"are you all related, ive noticed the theme with the names being related to stars and stuff, surely it cant be just a coincidence" i turned to look at the three women sitting next to me, they do not look remotely at all except for all of the sharing the same nose, small and button like.

"yes we are, we are the black sisters" bellatrix spoke, i noticed she was more quiet in front of new people, unlike andromeda who seem perfectly animated around new comers.

"ive heard of you lot, rich and well known" i stiffled a laugh

"well what can we say, the black family are apart of the sacred 29" bella shrugged. taking a quill and a piece of parchment, as well as a ink pot. she started scribbling words on it before tugging it into her pocket.

"whats your last name?" narcissa asked looking away from her book she had begun to read.

"adler" i say looking for their reaction, bella gasped and snapped her quill. andy had choked on her lollie she was chewing on, and narcissa went pale.

"adler, as in Grindelwald's right hand man?" bella asked with a bit of certainty in her voice.

"yes" i breathed.

"so you are related to edmund alder who assisted the words greatest wizard yet in his missions to eliminate the muggle born and muggle race" Narcissa's voice trembled as she spoke of my grandfather.

"that would be correct" again hiding my smirk, this time failing, i tried to hide it with my hand, but bellatrix caught my attempt. her eyes darkened.

she stood up and shuffled past her youngest sister, then pulled me into the hall shutting the sliding door to the compartment.

" i need to introduce you to some dear friends of mine" she hulled me down the corridor, we stopped in front of a compartment full of boys.

she threw the glass door open and the boys chatter seized.

"men, id liked to introduce you all to my new friend, Eden Adler" bella huffed.

"no fucking way" one said, he had shoulder length hair that was dead straight and blonde.

"way" i said

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