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everyone had passed out late at night. I had my bed to myself for the most part of the night but i was awoken to Bella slipping in and cuddling into my body.

i guess she had missed our cuddles. it was a common occurrence when i stayed at the castle, she would fall asleep in her bed but we'd wake up to our limbs intertwined the next morning.

and thats how i woke up this morning, but i had to disturb this position as i ran to the toilet.

pregnancy's a bitch.

my head hung in the bowl as i hurled my guts up
my hair was lifted from my neck into somebodies hands, and from the corner of my eye i see narcissa's nightgown and her cute owl socks standing next to me. i grumble a thank you but it just echoed into the bowl.

"damn" i hear muttering voices from behind me.

not feeling the instant urge feeling to empty all contents of my stomach anymore i stand with cissys assistance.

i look to see the boys leaning against the door, all trying to see if im alright. bella and alica barged past them and gasp when they see me and my figure.

"oh" narcissa brought her hand to her lips and her eyes showed much fear. i was severely confused so i turned to the mirror to my left and understood their fear.

the person i saw in the mirror wasnt me. the person staring back at me was pale and skinny, all colour that used to occupy her skin was drained and her once glowing features faded into a deep sunken face, gray shadowing her cheek bones and under her eyes. arms as thin as sticks and the belly that had grown rapidly in the short time was the only thing that looked remotely similar. except this time it was twice the size.

this isn't me.

it cant be

"eddie?" bella reached my side, she reached for my hand but pulled back when she felt the cold pale skin.

"get incontact with the dark lord now" she ordered to the boys who all scurried to obey her order. i felt my legs weakening and alica saw them shake. she leapt to catch me before i hit the floor.
the next thing i knew was my head hitting the floor.


i watched as the raven headed child ran around the house elfs as they tried to get them to stop running through the kitchen. they called for them to stop but to no avail they didnt.

the child looked around 9 or 10, they were tall for their age but you could tell they were still young by the child like features that ridden their face, raven curls, deep brown eyes and long lashes that matched the small amount of freckles on their rosey cheeks.

they ran out the door into the dinning room, dozens of death eaters turned their head at the sudden intrusion. the head of the table held tom, his face cold and emotion less like usual. but he looked different.

"my child, what is the reason for this interuptanse?" his voice stern and slightly malicious, the Childs eyes shot open.

"sorry father" the child hid behind a new figure. the wild hair was easily recognizable, it belonged to bellatrix. who stood as soon as the child ran into the room.

she hid the kid behind her body and stood in a protective stance, Narcissa's eyes held such fear, unsure if it was for the child or her sister.

tom stood and stalked over to bellatrix who was still hiding the child.

he pushed her away and knelt before his child. "answer me" his voice softened as he didnt want to scare the child, the kid raised their head and looked in their fathers eyes. they looked like twins.

"my lord, if i may interject. i noticed the elves chasing him, its not his fault" a feminine voice called from ahead the table, tom craned his head and saw his sister standing, her wand tucked in the sleeve of her dress. ready for use.

"right. leave and go practice your spells" he ordered the child away.

(yall, i needs your input... should edens and toms baby be a female or male? im sirius i cant decide)

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